
The B-story doesn't need a lot of airtime. They got in there, made the jokes they wanted, and got out. I don't need the minor plot to drag on as if the animators needed to pad the time.

I really hope that clip was just an intentionally bad moment for the characters. First of all, it's so wooden. Pratt is primarily a comedy actor and "maybe we should discuss this … in my bungalow" wasn't funny. Weren't they going for funny?

I can get behind any movie with the wacka-chicka-wacka!

Oh yeah Todd's sharper than Gregory, but that's not setting the bar too high. I mean, I feel like he tries sometimes, but I don't feel like he tries often enough.

I haven't given it much thought. I also don't think I've read anything by Thomas Pynchon through but I should. I am about to finish The Chess Garden, so maybe I'll see if I can enjoy him. I didn't like The Crying of Lot 49 though.

I watched Memento last week for the first time, and I feel that Christopher Nolan movies seem like a really good idea, and then fall apart upon the slightest examination.

Say friend, got any more of that good sarsaparilla?

The Big Lebowski just might be my favorite movie. Dr. Strangelove is the answer I give when people ask, but I really like Lebowski.

I'm still watching the Sunday policy shows, but Meet the Press is almost over here. Rand Paul is on right now, messing up like usual. I don't get why Republicans say stuff against the Iranian government and then act hurt and offended when Iran says negative things about the US? Seems hugely hypocritical to get all

Inflammable means flammable? What a country!

Maybe we're the demographic, watching out of a grim, horrified fascination. Or maybe it's the people who want to see a poor man's Tony Randall playing house with Matthew Perry.

I don't normally watch Mom but I made an exception on Thursday because they name-checked the symptoms I had been having, on the Odd Couple, and Felix was like "it could be a tumor" (and for me it was a tumor) so I was watching on the off chance it was a tumor. Oscar just had extra ear wax or something. Anyway, I

This is how people watch fox?

I feel like at least that would be a way of getting soft drinks in your body that the snobby ADA can't say anything about.

I think it's a good movie as long as you leave out the last 20 minutes. But it's very much a product of its time.

Well at least writing to the FCC gives them something to do in private.

Fun with Flags was a youtube show and yes I hate myself for knowing this.

Listen, the creator of gif says otherwise, so I'm just going to call it whatever I want.

That Ben Affleck is a lucky man.