
So that's why the logo ends at your neck.


Basically everything people watch on youtube is non-original content anyway, so I'd get a certain ironic pleasure out of seeing them make even more money off their users stolen content.

I like that Vanna White. She always dresses so glamorously, nobody I knew growing up (or even know now) gets to wear fancy dresses every night like she does. Plus, apparently it's really tough to flip the letters. She had to have tremendous wrist strength to flip them like it was nothing.

I thought about it, but either it would work out and I'd have to go on tv or it wouldn't and I'd have wasted my time (and there'd be tangible proof that I would like to be on a game show). It didn't seem like a good situation either way.

I used a bad example, but it still bothers me not to have as much control over the content I paid for. I read a lot of peer reviewed publications, and I am used to reading on a screen, but I am like you in that I prefer reading off screen.

The DRM bullshit is why I still haven't adopted an electronic reader. I remember way back when they first came out, people bought 1984, only to have it disappear. At least when I buy a new book, I can reference it at any point.

I already have seasons 1-10. I might buy the next one because I like the tomacco episode, but frankly I think it's kinda sad that it would basically be for one episode. I really only started collecting the DVDs in grad school, and only the used copies.

My first CD was the Offspring's Americana. I still have it, have to get it signed one of these days, but I'll settle for a signed copy of one of Dexter Holland's papers.

"Day the Earth Stood Stupid" aired before "Cyber House Rules" though. It doesn't really matter (like you said, it could be interpreted differently) but to me it would be odd to call stupidity a "brain thing" unless it really was neurological.

The Comedy Central seasons get an undeserved amount of disdain around here, I actually think they did a pretty decent job. The good episode to flops ratio got lower, but I don't think that was avoidable when a show's been running long enough. Animated shows especially have this problem, because the characters don't

Cyber House Rules has a lot of visual gags in terms of signage. "Please abandon coats in the lobby" at the Ophanarium, "Taco Bellvue Hospital: Normal healthy baby? Supersize it for 99c!," at the Arboretum, "Yes, we have looking at trees!" Reminds me of old school Simpsons, actually, and Groening's background in comic

Too many bones? Not enough cash? Cash for your bones!

I'm just guessing here, but I think it's Fry's "brain thing." It doesn't get referenced again until "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid" but I don't know why the Professor would mention it if nobody paid attention to anything Fry said.

The biggest tearjerker episode for me is "Leela's Homeworld" especially after my grandfather passed on, but I agree the family episodes pack a bigger punch for me than the other ones.

Do you also have size 16 feet? I need to know in case Luann's mama comes back to town.

This is a good recap. I saw the first round and then had to go somewhere really fast and came back in time for the Final. My roommate was like, "who's that king they just found? That's the answer" and I came up with Richard III. If Jeopardy ever becomes a team show, we got this.

Hmm I'm sure there's plenty of BBC to go around.

All work and no play make Homer something something