
I went to the doctor yesterday and they were giving me crap about my shoes, which were coincidentally white. I thought of this album. That's all I have to add.

Thanks, I'm doing better now. I have been coping with the after-effects of brain surgery but the good news is that I don't have any other health concerns and will probably return to school/research over the summer.

How does one go about getting the nickname T-Bone? I'm asking for a friend.

Samuel, you are such an idiot, you are the worst assistant ever. And you're disgusting, Dwigt.

I'm still on medical leave. Days of the week are meaningless to me. So I guess Sunday, the most meaningless day of all.

I hope google censors that for anyone who didn't want to know the plot of Human Centipede 4.

I stand corrected.

I guess, but I don't see how you could go into much detail … oh the pictures? Yeah, probably.

Well I try. Also sometimes students will eat in a library or put their head on the desk for a desk nap? Also a bad idea.

I had more stories but I can't possibly do worse than shit book. I wouldn't have even imagined such a thing was possible. Hope they figured out who checked it out and deactivated their library card.

I worked in a library years ago and the tables and computers are *never* cleaned. We had a new boss once and she made us clean the entire library and every single paper towel and clorox wipe came back jet black from dirt. And that was probably the last time those things were clean. Ignoring the public lack of shame, a

With a monkey sidekick! I tell you, it can't lose!

The US justice system was set up by people who believe that it is better for the guilty to go free than an innocent person to end up in jail. But you wouldn't know it from people blaming defendants for using the appeals they are given, wanting a fair trial, and making judgeships an elected office on the local level,

My free speech is being hampered because it's less socially acceptable for me to tell other people what to do. I mean, the Supreme Court has my back about yelling at teenagers near Planned Parenthood, denying my employees healthcare benefits if I don't personally like them, and holding up "thank God for 9/11" signs,


This is basically the plot of Contagion.

No one will notice at all. Stupid disqus and their need for "positivity".

I always got the impression that a guy who says he is interested in "making friends" on a casual dating app is a guy who is looking for a fuckbuddy. I know it can't always be true, but that's how you'd come across to some people.

I mean, you shouldn't punch people, but there's nothing I didn't like about the idea of Marilyn Manson at an Alberta Denny's at 2:30am.

That last one is also about remembering where you parked.