
I was living outside the US at the time but I remember finding a novelized version of Kazaam and reading it. Ah, youth.

When you click on a "why is this even a story" story, don't compound your error by leaving a comment. That's just rewarding bad behavior.

TAships for graduate courses are sought after but to me they always sucked way more. A freshman is not going to come to your office hours and contest your grading rubric because they think half a summer of REU makes them a GODDAMNED EXPERT IN GENETICS.

Huh, I always thought it was access to money.

What the hell is wrong with that male host? I need opinions.

I'm not going to have to learn the names of a bunch of new teletubbies, am I?

Aw you guys don't like anything I like.

*sputters* Well, I wasn't expecting a sort of Spanish Inquisition!

Maybe Thanksgiving will roll over and smother it in its sleep.

Ugh, this is the worst thing that has ever been done in the name of Christianity.

Well I mean, the wedding is free, but it's probably going to be held in a fast food establishment. Good luck dancing where the floor is covered with mysterious tacky stuff.

I watched that one Star Trek where Captain Kirk meets "an incredibly realistic simulation" of Lincoln, so I already did my part.

When I think of the Civil War, I think of that one Mystery Science Theater where Servo's like, "the south will rise again!" and Crow asks, "um, to do what exactly?"

Loan words is the phrase I was thinking of. Like taboo, pundit, panache, etc. English speakers have an advantage because English is definitely a global default language, and I notice other languages attempt to purify their usage in a way English doesn't. France has a culture ministry that is trying to push French

Can I imagine you screaming in horror as you typed all that out, like some kind of Teen Wolf transformation?

I think if certain college-age men don't want to be "stigmatized" as rapists, they'd do well to speak up in situations where their friends and frat brothers are the ones making shitty comments. If you're silent when you hear some guy bragging about taking a passed out girl to his room, you don't get to speak up about

Why should I, when I go to all the trouble of setting up a Simpsons reference and get left hanging? Sure, it wasn't a classic season, but I'm doing the best I can!

I like you, sir

It's in Revelations, people!

You mean besides the two examples I just gave you? That's what you mean, right?