
United 93, American Sniper, The Interview … America's truly patriotic don't want subtle, fun, OR enjoyable. Or accurate or thought-provoking, for that matter, but I guess that's what the Transformers franchise is for.

I'm not nearly as ashamed of this as I should be. (inb4 "The AV Club")

Yes, and then they can get jobs in management and preferentially hire people who also self-segregated into that group of assholes right with them.

Brendon, let me show you something, all right? Maybe this will give you a little incentive. Look at my arm right there. See that? I got that when I was eighteen years old. I’ll tell you something. I regret it. ‘Cause this tattoo don’t come off. I have a tattoo of a cow’s head, because I loved that cheese then. So I

"Boy, that escalated quickly." — Will Ferrell.

We've come a long way, baby.

Hey, the anti-frat frat has been a staple of college life since "Revenge of the Nerds". And yet they're not any less likely to refrain from doing ten kinds of illegal shit like selling a 1984 creepshots calendar.

Banning frats isn't going to do shit until college admins and take rapes and racist behavior seriously. Does anyone really think those frat boys would have been expelled if only employees at OU saw the video?

I'm still wondering what "he's conservative enough for the both of you" means. Like, is he so right leaning that he actually swings back over to the left? Or are they implying some homophobic/racist/misogynistic bullshit that would even make an 'anti-choice billionaire' give pause?

I love Adventure Time but this comment needs its own "this" reaction gif.

Their diplomatic rationale appears to be "fuck you, that's why." The party more concerned with voting suppression-by-demographic is usually the party less concerned with actually getting anything done.

I thought P&R leaned more heavily on, "look over your coworker's shoulder at the camera and make a face" a la the Office.

They were pretty heavy-handed in more than their product placement.

To be fair, they don't actually show him being hauled off to jail. They just showed the part where the cops smoked all his weed before they took him to jail.

Are you trying to say that wasn't what was on tv? Maybe you're lost on your way to the Stephen Universe post?

I just got finished with my Sunday policy shows and This Week had a clip of Ted Cruz telling Jimmy Fallon that climate change isn't real because there's snow in New Hampshire. Even if he isn't going to be president someday (and I could have sworn he was born outside the US?) this is still someone who got elected to

What is going on

Fox probably had children watching that, too.

I'm here to make the rest of the uncultured swine look pop culture savvy by comparison.