
Calling ancient Persia "Iranian" seems a little weird to me; they changed the name from Persia to Iran during the second World War. Iran is a derivative of Aryan. I thought it was well known that the Shah was a Nazi sympathizer.

Acoustic neuroma on my 8th cranial nerve. I can walk around and turn my head but it was definitely a struggle for the first three weeks.

If I'm alone and bored, yes.

They definitely showed that scene as a flashback on several episodes, though.

I didn't care for this episode. I thought the line, "Richard Dawkins? Bestselling author of The God Delusion?" was unintentionally funny, but I know that's not what they were going for.

Thistil Mistil Kistil by Sarah Schanze. When I started reading it, I spent an hour and a half reading the whole thing in one sitting.

Everybody Loves Raymond. It captures a kind of despair.

I've been meaning to send a thank you to the ENT who ordered the MRI. The odds of there being anything wrong were so tiny I'm glad he took the precaution.

I'm about a month out from brain surgery and I'm pretty much at the point where the pain is manageable with OTC meds. I didn't think I'd ever get to this point. I hope you get to that point soon too.

I was expecting to be rickrolled and instead I got Nickelback. I don't know why I expected anything different.

Oh, ok. You only saw the first episode of that show.

So basically that one scene with sex on a birthday cake shown in every goddamn episode?

Ok that's a little weird then.

Beck is super generous. He lent me his only microphone.

It's a movie released in theaters, not a summons. I mean, it's not as though you're arguing that nobody went to see Boyhood.

The snooping didn't feel like snooping to me because I sometimes absentmindedly look in drawers and cabinets. I do it at home too. Also the 'looking in the fridge for ten minutes and then walking away' thing. Maybe that's why I'm single.

Bob Ross.

I find that when it comes to examining or criticizing media, the most common reaction is, "this isn't a big deal," or, "you're reading too much into it." Seems like a weird impulse to have, especially for this movie, where every choice is deliberate and planned years in advance. I wish more people would wonder why

"Did he just end a conversation on "so"?"
"Is Korean really better?"

What is the point of roasting Justin Bieber? Isn't that a little like shooting fish in a barrel?