
Anything by Jean Craighead George, the aforementioned Island of the Blue Dolphins. I didn't read much survivalist young adult stuff, but I liked that George's books had female and male protagonists. Oh, and The Cay. I had to read that one.

I think I drooled a lot, too.

Turns out Bruce Willis was dead the whole time.

There's probably some kind of support group for that.

I'm only here because I happened to be flipping the channel during the office manager part and couldn't figure out WTF I was seeing.

I haven't seen the movie or read the book but I saw it coming.

I didn't tolerate space brownies well, I can't imagine ice cream working any better.

Yeah they should just stick to hunting ducks.

It doesn't bother me that I see the wrong colors because seriously I have some eye issues and this isn't the first time they have deceived me. It's why I can't buy clothes online.

I know, I'm so jaded and cool and they RUINED what was once my favorite cartoon. >:(

"Let's get out of these women's clothes and back into our tights."

Excited? Avatar was a brilliant cartoon and look at how the movie turned out.

I didn't like the way the bullying plot got resolved, but I have to admit it's realistic. Educators ignore when white students bully non-white students, and then when the student tries to defend themselves, they get punished by the educators.

" And the fact that this guy is still at large, after committing this heinous crime. It’s worse than the Nuremberg trials. This guy should be more sought-after than Joseph Goebbels."

I used to enjoy Barney Miller but then I saw this episode where a woman says, "my husband raped me," to a laugh track and it kind of ruined it for me. I get that times were different, but really? A laugh track following a rape accusation?

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Luddites are so sexy.

So I don't know much about this franchise, but isn't 50 shades the book where a 19 year old girl has never used email or had a cell phone?

I got really into it to have something to talk about. And then Pokemon came out worldwide not too long after that so I talked about that instead.