
I bet there are two competing wikis that favor alternate universe versions of the show. But I try not to judge.

Thanks, I am trying to stay optimistic. Also I made three million copies of my MRI scan and carpet bombed the hospital with them.

The mark of good writing for sure. There's always something new to appreciate on rewatching.

I watched the power rangers in 1997 or 1998. I left the US in 99 so I am sadly unfamiliar with the other iterations. All I remember is the transformation of the green ranger into the white ranger and thinking it ruined the episodes that followed. Am I wrong in remembering there was kind of a love triangle between the

I thought the fun of MST3K is being fluent enough in obscure pop culture that you get the references.

I think they did think it through, but counted on adults not to give enough of a shit to do anything. It really messed me up when I realized as an adult that the black ranger was a black guy, the yellow ranger was an Asian girl and the pink ranger was a white girl and they were all led by the white power ranger.

So basically, Dr. Drake Ramoray levels of fame.

I'm due in the OR tomorrow morning and I was warned in pre-op that I'll have to tell "like ten people" who I am and what side of my head to cut open. It doesn't do much to inspire patient confidence, does it?

Would watch.

I watched part of the kitten bowl today, breaking my personal record of never watching any animal bowls. It was really disappointing, and I'm someone who will happily watch terrible dreck like Too Cute. Like, did they really need a referee in there? Does this guy's resume have a line saying he's a kitten referee?

Anyone else get choked up at the beginning when Sweet P had a nightmare and his parents went to comfort him but he's already big enough to hold them in his hands? Even though his parents want to protect and comfort him, his problems are literally too big for them to handle.

I heard it from Family Guy.

You've finally done it. You made me root for Dr. Drew. Damn you! God damn you all to hell!

I feel relatively fortunate that I've never needed/been able to use Comcast. I had a friend who worked for Vonage and she had such horror stories about how they treat employees.

Not to get all anecdotal on you, but I grew up in both Jordan and Saudi Arabia and came back to the US to live as a 17 year old girl. I wore a headscarf until I was 20 and I started dating at 19. I have also maintained at least one headscarf-wearing friend for my entire adult life and while I'm not suggesting you take

Oh yes they would.

I'm so glad that the AV Club is taking time out of their schedule to report on the news because as soon as I heard that someone had a problem with glorifying the death and destruction of literally 150,000 non-insurgent civilians in some Birth of a Nation-esque propaganda film, I was like, I hope Tommy Brann makes

"(you know, the fame and fortune that comes with making a rape allegation)"

I'm not sure what you're getting at, or why you think that when you work for the public, the work you do is magically not worth any money. The main crux of your argument seems to be, if private sector employees don't get any benefits, why should public employees get them? Right? And my opinion is that is totally

Crunch patties!