
I love when a conservative paints a very dire picture of all the scary benefits that lazy government employees get and it turns out they're completely reasonable things. (OK maybe not four months of vacation per year, but right now the amount of vacation your boss is required to give you stands at 0% of the year in


You know, I imagine it's a lot like how some people feel when middle aged white people think rap music is about saying who you are and what you're here to say.

The Arabic word for Palestine is Philistine. There's literally no letter for p in Arabic.

Arabs don't use the letter 'p' so pita might mean bread in some language, but not in Arabic. I called it pita bread because that is what it said on the bag in English. I should have called it pocket bread or just said bread, but I feel like they were unnecessarily weird about a lot of things I wore and said and ate at

Eww! Give me the crab juice.

I call pita bread 'khobz'.

She was a very weird woman.

We were making a grocery list for fourth grade math class, and the teacher called on me for a suggestion (pita bread) and then told me that nobody else would want to buy that. Then she turned to the class and said, how many of you have pita bread at home? It was 18 years ago and I still remember it. Weird what sticks

I should forward this to my Boston-punk-wannabe conservative midwestern ex and totally ruin his shit. But I guess that would be a pretty negative waste of time.

I think it's annoying, but when I lived in the US as a child I was pretty consistently bullied for having strong roots to my Middle Eastern heritage and when I see college-age people trying desperately to differentiate themselves from "plain old American" I think about all those times I had my packed lunch thrown on

The first thing I thought about was the sea lard in Jake the Brick. Also, I don't think birth and destruction are mutually exclusive themes. But this is definitely my favorite reading of the episode so far.

PB made him something so he sweats cleaning agent in "Too Young." But yeah, he's probably pretty gross.

I watched the entire episode just now, and he actually said, "it is a recent tradition, only 18 years old, but a tradition nonetheless." Around 15 minutes and 30 seconds in. Don't question my Futurama recall skills.

Also he mentions that their customs only go back about 20 years I think. It's been a couple of months since I've seen that episode.

Honestly, I would just be content if people who can't name a MLK quote that DOESN'T begin with "I have a dream," would stop trying to tell the world what he would think of race relations in the US today. Ahem, Fox News.

Gotta say, I'm loving all the righteous indignation at the very idea that white people aren't the best people to talk about racism in America in general, in the US justice system in particular.

Who says she wasn't turned on? I thought that was why she needed five … teen … forty minutes.

That reminded me of the thing where she received some kind of transmission from her ancestors in the 'elephant graveyard' in apple wedding.

I'm sure this has been done but the prospect of looking through almost 3000 comments means I'm posting it again.