
"It must be satire if someone's calling ME a racist!"
Yeah, calling me stupid doesn't change the fact that you care more about reinforcing Sony's civil liberties than in doing anything about the US violating the civil and human rights of literally millions of people in the name of 'safety'

"It must be satire if someone's calling ME a racist!"
Yeah, calling me stupid doesn't change the fact that you care more about reinforcing Sony's civil liberties than in doing anything about the US violating the civil and human rights of literally millions of people in the name of 'safety'

Alright, racist. Thanks for your constant reminder that corporations matter more than brown people's lives.

Which makes invoking the "first amendment" even stupider. So your arguments are still invalid.

Which makes invoking the "first amendment" even stupider. So your arguments are still invalid.

So, you care more about Sony's civil liberties than those of detainees at Guantanamo. And you think that gives you the moral high ground?

So now everybody who said the "controversy" around this movie couldn't possibly be a Sony ploy are, of course, reconsidering their assertion that Sony had nothing to gain from making this movie an, ahem, first amendment issue.

The only thing I can think of is that Daily Show interview where the teacher said they didn't have internet in NK ten years ago. Or that it isn't North Korea? Trying to decide if it's more realistic if the world's biggest ego not realizing that the movie would have quickly dropped from cultural consciousness amid

So The Interview was targeted by North Korea and Team America wasn't?

The Simpsons began airing in the late 80s. Mere allusions to Smithers's sexuality were considered 'controversial.' (As a child who got punished for observing that Smithers is gay, I can attest to this fact.)

So the biggest problem with racism in our society is that we aren't nice enough to racists? Oh. OK then.

"Ugh, you hit a sour note about 200 years back, Doug! Let's take it from the top."

I go to comedy central directly now. Hulu keeps losing its place after it shows me five identical ads for bacardi or some shit, making me hit refresh for another three ads before it goes back to the show. Every time an ad space comes up, I would cringe.

"My baby shot me dowwwwwwwwnnnn"
*4 minute harmonica solo*

This is great news for my mom, who is seriously the only person I know that watches this show. Also, does anyone else with a scientific background think Isles dialog tries way too hard?

And I'm guessing if Wahlberg wasn't a rich white male, you would take a different view on having his criminal record expunged. He already experiences success that is inaccessible to 99.9% of the population. The fuck ELSE do you want for "poor Mark Wahlberg"?

He seems to be doing well even with the felony record, so I guess I have no idea what you're talking about. He committed a series of hate crimes and is now a wealthy household name who holds the admiration of thousands. Getting his criminal record wiped would be an insult, but frankly, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if

Right, only people with legal records are guilty in the eyes of people. That's why Casey Anthony is still living in Florida.

Yeah, get that crime wiped from your record. That way nobody will know about it. Ass.