
1. I was rewatching episode 1 of Adventure Time and now I feel like PB was grooming Finn to be loyal to her. Like it was an elaborate setup to teach him not to break promises. I know, I'm reading WAY too much into it.

"Once again the sandwich-heavy portfolio pays off for the hungry investor!"

Oh, I'm sure it won't be that ba-hahaha.

He's afraid of the world. Can't help it.

Fresh Prince used to air on MBC (an Arab satellite network) most weekday afternoons. I think the common denominator shows, the ones that are good but not great, overt rather than subtle, are the ones that do better in a global market.

I can't decide if I'm at the age where I can be in denial that my favorite bands suck. But since I only discovered 36 chambers ten years ago, I guess I should, like, move on to better music artists.

Actually the reason I love this episode is that parkour/"Ugh! Guys I'm so dumb!" moment from Shelby.

Right, you just tell people to visit porn hub without referencing porn at all. I mean, wow a porn joke on the internet?! Very original and thought provoking.

Alright thanks for taking a shovel to the entire thread. tbh it kind of sucked from the first post, but thanks for driving home the point with the scat porn. Real funny.

Oh that's just indecent. I mean, how can you besmirch the good name of chocolate …

Bobby, they loved it! That one's creepy but he loved it!

Hot fudge car wash. I knew New Jersey must have some redeeming feature.

The resemblance wouldn't even exist if people stopped adding '-gate' to the end of every large news story. It isn't even reserved for political scandals anymore.

Actually my favorite exchange is unmentioned:
PB: "He could get hurt!"
Jake: "Feelings hurt!"
PB: "Yahhh"
Jake: "Yahhh"
BMO: "Ehhh!"

I was unimpressed with this episode until the cameos. For some reason that turned it around for me. Also the list of things Jake has always wanted to be includes a foot, a mailman, and now a brick. You'll understand when you get older.

What's the average length of a taxi ride? I wonder why anyone would bother.

I'm pretty sure Starbucks serves ground charcoal and calls it coffee, which is why this 'anti-food labeling' thing intuitively makes sense. Even though I think the whole GMO hysteria is basically reactionary fear-mongers squaring off against paid corporate shills while IP law hangs in the balance, I'm not paying $2

I am glad that these allegations are being pushed forward again. Twelve women are telling the same story now, many of whom have no expectation of financial or social gain, after years (decades) of incredible pressure to recant. They didn't, and I believe them. I am only dismayed that it took a male comedian saying

Rewatching this episode now. Makes me feel less sympathetic toward Cary's current legal troubles. :>

Peanut butter, pickled jalapenos, and sriracha sauce. Or as my ex called it, "the reason you will die alone."