That's ridiculous. Any human institution is going to be deeply troubled at times. The bigger the institution, the bigger the troubles.
That's ridiculous. Any human institution is going to be deeply troubled at times. The bigger the institution, the bigger the troubles.
I don't go to church anymore, but I'm telling you now far more teachers than priests mess around with underage kids. I taught HS for over 20 years and heard And, oh man, does it get covered up. Eventually, it will blow up. The Catholic Church did a horrible job with the sex abuse scandal, no Catholic would argue that.…
The Bible and God, at least my idea of God, are two wildly different things. I think most of the Bible is ridiculous. Spirituality and higher intelligences go far beyond organized human religious traditions. I believe God exists not because of the Bible, but because I don't think matter can create itself in a…
You have no evidence, zero, none, which would indicate how or why the Big Bang came to be. The Big Bang is as ridiculous as Genesis, but, oooh, it's all science-ey and has big words to describe it. I mean, you want me to believe that at one time all the atoms that ever were, after creating themselves out of nothing…
You don't know he's not doing anything about it. How God came to be is problematic, it makes zero sense. But all of the matter in our universe one time forming together in a little nut sack in an abyss, in a void, in nothing, literally in no space or time or place of being, well, that's a pretty big stretch of the…
I almost agree with your last sentence, and I definitely agree with your next to last sentence. But I think you're combining God and human religion into one entity and they're not. I believe that God (in some form) exists, but I don't and won't go to synagogue, mosque, temple or church. Too many people mucking things…
You are very naive if you believe every large institution of any kind doesn't cover up immoral and criminal behavior.
My "proof" is the existence of the universe itself, of, most likely, all the universes. But atheists aren't satisfied with that. They want, like, a paparazzi photo of God leaving a restaurant. I say look around, in nature, in people, in the stars, there is God. They start talking about the Big Bang. I counter that…
Get ready for some rudeness coming your way, you piece of shit douchebag. How dare you call every Catholic a child-rape apologist. By your logic, you better stop supporting education, public and private, because teachers rape students. Doctors abuse patients. Guess you're done with the medical establishment. Fuck off,…
thank you for saying that
There is no overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
The more we learn about the nature of the universe, the more I believe in an intelligent designer who started the ball rolling.
Well said.
Yes, that would be "correct" of course. There is no God? And how the fuck do you know this? Atheists are as annoying as fundamentalists with their "purer-than-thou, I know best, only we have the Truth" condescension. Neither of you KNOW shit about any of it.
Yes, exactly. Nothing to do with philosophy, everything to do with power.
Not really. The Virgin Mary was not a virgin her whole life, ya know. Sexism has been around forever, so there is your answer.
It wouldn't be. Would not change a thing in terms of any aspect of his teaching. It's quite possible his wife was removed from the New Testament by one of the early Councils purely out of weird sexist thinking, the early church leaders not wanting a woman so close to power. But, really, no difference.
Not true at all. Atheists tend to know next to nothing about religions and what religions espouse and what believers actually believe. Every atheist I've ever known thinks Christianity is soup to nuts TV preachers to the Catholic Church. The depth, the nuance, the subtle and radical variety within every religion would…
Do you have a temper? A drinking problem? Know the lyrics to many, many sad songs? Know that U2 is proof God loves the Irish more than any other group? If you answered no to any of these questions, you're either a Belfast Protestant Bastard, or even worse, Scottish.
But they wanted a vag and she has the vag. Hope she drives the company off a cliff and they all call my man in a panic. I'm in favor of women's rights, just not when they unjustly take food of my nieces' tables.