
Similar era, I was at a California Golden Seals game in Oakland and got smoked in the shoulder by a tipped slap shot. The puck then hit the ground, I tried to grab it with my one remaining functioning arm but it was snatched up uncle, who had brought me to the game. When the surrounding fans razzed him about

Yep, sorry friend. You’re also not allowed to go play in the McDonald’s PlayPlace even if your mother always refused to take you when you were little.

This doesn’t fit the Gawker rhetoric. Facts will not be tolerated here.

Please forgive this rant and don’t come at me with any bullshit “you’re anti Islam” comments.

The movie is fictional. They could have cast whomever they wanted.

Methinks Bobby (and I say this lovingly because Bobby is generally great despite his near blanket refusal to tell me what the tabloids say about Duggars and the Bachelor) is looking to be upset about something.

Can I ask a question that might get me in trouble?

Because, you know, one can’t exactly discover a new place if nations of people were already living there for centuries.

You know what sounds more like a money hustle to me? This Hot Take. When’s the last time Damon Wayans did anything even remotely culturally relevant? Sit the fuck down, Major Payne.

Amazon also sells knives. Are we gonna stop knife sales because someone bought one and stabbed themselves? We have lost our minds when it comes to personal responsibility. I feel for this poor mom but come on.

Fav modern Shakespeare adaption? I am not ashamed to admit that I love Julie Taymor’s Titus. So visceral and I think she did wonders with the anachronisms and it was balletic and every bit as blood drenched as that play. Tennant is great as Hamlet, and Whedon did a passable job with Much Ado though it will never be

MacBeth was the play I studied for my Leaving Certificate (high school leaving exam, for the Yanks). I’ve read it and chewed on it more than any other Shakespeare work. I thought this would mean I couldn’t get excited for yet another screen adaptation.

The worst part is, them existing in the lowest caste means theres almost a 100% chance they’ve already been raped and exploited dozens of times.

This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

As a person who got a lot of participation trophies and very few real trophies growing up, there was ABSOLUTELY ZERO confusion in my mind about what kind of trophy I got, and I was a pretty dumb kid. I had a very clear understanding of my skill level and my W-L records, and I never thought that my euphemistically

Do you also cry everytime a black person kills another black person or do you only care when a cop does it?

This. Sentencing for violent offenses against women and children should be harsher. Not because women’s/children’s lives are worth more than the average man’s, but because they’re at a cultural, systemic disadvantage to start with and unfortunately we need a stronger deterrent to keep men from beating the shit out of

You’re missing the point. The point is this person is a convicted murderer and is now being released to the public because of gender dysphoria. All of what you’re saying may be true but you’ve now given a small avenue for convicted criminals to avoid the justice given to them based on lies. If the right healthcare

What other conditions are there in which a body/body part is still functional but not doing invasive surgery on it would be considered inhumane?