
OK, so he was the victim of good old fashioned sexism.

Sexism is wrong. My brother lost out on a sweet VP job after being told the CEO decided, all things were equal and they needed a woman in the company brochure. That's fucked up on very level. I'm against quotas all the time, especially when they don't tell you ahead of time "Uh, yeah, you're really qualified but you

Let's call her. Type out a transcript. Right now. It will be fun.

Good for you. That's brilliant.

I think we should all view each other as equals. And since you will do me the honor of assuming I'm a racist, despite never having spoken to me, I will do you the same honor and assume you are a complete racist until you "prove" (I believe was the word you used) otherwise. It's your choice. I'm just following your

You should break up. She sounds like an asshole. Violent people are violent.

Yes. Society's fault!

North Carolina has gotten away with this shit forever. This is worse than Miami, worse than Penn. State (in terms of academics), worse than Ohio State. This is the biggest NCAA ever, but because its UNC, they get a free pass. Chapel Hill should be lie in the muck for all with SMU, Miami, Ohio State and other chronic

What a bullshit epigram this headline is. It doesn't even make sense. Why would it follow that if you have to say you're not racist, you are, in fact, racist. So, uh, I'm not racist. But if I say that, it means I actually am racist. Right on. Makes no sense whatsoever.

What the fuck is wrong with you and others on this thread? Personal attacks? "Why do you exist?" Because she disagrees with you. Well, FUCK. YOU. Reasonable people can disagree about this statement. People like you remind me of Mao's secret police, making sure everyone has "correct thinking" and "right thoughts." And

It depends on your definition of "racist."

Yes, it's a good insight and succinctly stated. He's still a war coward asshole who was wrong about everything and is up to his shoulders in the blood of Americans who died in Iraq for nothing.

Then I will do the same thing. I assume you are a racist until you prove you're not. OK. Great way to go through life. Let's go.

The problem is it will only make $500 and Hollywood will take that as a sign it needs to make more thoooperhero movies. We don't have nearly enough of those and they're all so different.

He'd also think 90 percent of the funny people were Jewish. Eh, maybe he'd be right.

That's a theoretical example, not personal history. I wouldn't keep pestering her, and I'm not doing anything sexually I don't want to do. but I disagree with you, in my examples give consent after coercion. Both parties are free to continue to say no, but they choose to go ahead with the sexual act to please their

But then if everybody uses these techniques and strategies—if all of the "me's" out there do this—then rape will decline tremendously.

How many more conversations does it take with dudes than black dudes, based on your experience. I'd love to know.

Right. Only people of color understand that rape or violence is wrong. White men are fine with it, only men of color see rape as a problem. That's why there is no rape or violence in the cultures of people of color. Thank you. Excellent point.

"Actively" and "enthusiastically" are two different things and can be mutually exclusive. If I tell my wife I'd like to have sex with her, she says not tonight, and I keep bothering her about it, and finally she says yes, ok, let's just get this over with, that is not rape. She's consenting, but she's not