
I live for those debates. I’ve already stocked up on popped corn in anticipation. GhostofGPaMazur, while a Sanders supporter, also cackles with glee in anticipation.

I would take issue with your statement that “you don’t settle if you weren’t wrong”. That’s simply not how lawyers work. Lawyers settle not because they know they’re in the wrong, but because someone somewhere has decided that it would be cheaper to settle than to continue on. Unfortunately, it’s very rare that

There are clearly many paralells internationally, but US History informs our present in a way that isn’t necessarily true internationally. I do think that one could write a very similar article based on Europe’s history, too.

Fantastic! If my client dinner ends before 9 I am so there :)

How late are you guys staying? I’m in town for business and may have a late night, but if you’re close to my hotel I’d love to stop by and donate! I can’t drink, as I’m currently renting my uterus out, but I love making cards!

Except that there are a lot of liberals out there who insist that racial inequality is merely an exaggerated symptom of economic inequality. My impression is the folks that believe this are ~99% white dudes. There’s definitely some overlap in the Sanders supporter camp, at least in my experience.

I have felt that way about her social media team since day one. I need to work with/for them.

I was talking about this the other day. I like that he hasn’t emulated Stewart’s style, because he’s clearly not so engaged as to be outraged. However, we often forget that Stewart had, what, 18 years of TDS and it really wasn’t until he was in his groove that he focused the show on self righteous anger comedy. I

Congratulations! I, too, and currently incubating what I lovingly refer to as a chicken nugget (‘cause that what it looks like in the first trimester, dudes-that-don’t-know-shit-about-pregnancy). I have always been a proud feminist, but the last 9 weeks of gestation have really solidified it for me and jhave even made

I agree with that - but it’s a step in the right direction, in my opinion. I also trust that her partnership with underrepresented communities of all kinds will be evident in her policy direction, cabinet and other government appointees, and agenda. Not that Sanders wouldn’t take similar steps, but I feel her

I would say that Clinton has consistently shown interest in a lot of communities that aren’t rich and white. For example, she has for decades been reaching out to communities of color to work with them, understand their needs, concerns, etc., and is sure to surround herself with people who truly care. Sanders,

I think the difference in Clinton and Sander’s backgrounds is critical, though. No one is saying that Sanders wouldn’t support women’s rights. However, he’ll never be able to see things through the eyes of women. Lived experiences are hugely different between the two. I mean, he had no women on his campaign at the

I’m convinced that line of acusation belies their apparantly firm belief that Clinton’s policies are no different than Fiorina, Palin, etc. That drives me batty! Clinton and Sanders as so freaking closely aligned on so many things, it’s ludicrous to me that they can draw that comparison.

There is a chart in Emily Oster’s “Expecting Better” that illustrates miscarriage rates through week 14. I don’t remember it off the top of my head, and I can’t find an image online, but I suspect it’s something like ~20% in the first few weeks but you’re under 10% from week 6 onwards. Give or take.

I would rather the rule be that if non-secular hospitals exist, they can’t institute these doctrine-based guidelines and rules. You, as a religion, want to commit to your calling by offering healthcare? Great. Follow the healthcare laws and guidelines that are followed by everyone else.

Yeah, this is something that really bugs me. I engaged a HS acquaintance on FB about a lot of anti-Hilary stuff he posts. He’s a Sanders supporter (cool) but really verges on BernieBro territory (not cool). The conversation was pretty civil, but all he kept doing was responding by pasting general websites at me, as

I think your age has a lot to do with it. The younger you are, the fewer instances of outright sexism you’ll meet (in general), and so if that’s not front and center in your experience, you see wider platform appeals working well with those groups. I think this is proven in a lot of the demographic info we’ve been

As a recently pregnant uterus owner, I have to wonder how many of these morons have attended first trimester appointments. My experience is obviously limited, but wouldn’t everyone have an ultrasound anyway to confirm pregnancy? Is this an additional one on top of those normally scheduled? More over, how detailed do

I think the same thing is true in Paris. The practice can be quite common there as well, and one day a few friends of mine jumped the turnstyle and a few meters down the hallway were stopped. They had to pay the fine right there or risk being written up - and as they had overstayed their Visa, they didn’t want to be

Apparently it doesn’t violate the injunction per se.... but to me this very much feels like they’re following the letter of the injunction versus the spirit. I’m just hoping they get punted for this nonsense.