
I think ‘no’ on the Fiorina point because she’s absolutley not espousing support for any of the traditional women’s issues.

I think this is key. I find it hard to blame 2nd wavers for feeling the way they do - but we all (regardless of generation) have to do better on our communication. I understand Albright’s frustrations, but as a Millennial, I also know that very few women my age and younger have the experience she did, and that very

You sound like the mother I aspire to be.

Her badass son’s name is the least of the judging I’m doing.

I get, in general, why police and defense attorneys will bring it up. It’s part of their job - BUT, there’s got to be tons of training and research out there that discusses post-trauma behavior, how that might differ from one’s expected impressions, etc. I think that needs to be better taught to those in our justice

Good to note. Time to warm up the dismiss button.

You can’t be serious, can you? Having the first woman President would be beyond mind-blowing. It’s history making. In the 200+ years of the United States history we’ve never had a woman as the Commander in Cheif. That’s not mid-blowing? Jesus.

Normally I would agree, but there was no paperwork of this deal. I agree that both parties felt there was an agreement, but since half those parties are dead and there’s no official agreement, fuck ‘em. You don’t get a serious meeting of the minds on paper that would waive CRIMINAL prosecution? That’s like day fucking

You are my hero.

I would argue that the end goals of their policies are not all that different, rather the means to the end is, i.e. - Sanders wants to reinstitute Glass-Steagle to control Wall St versus Clinton wants to create a new regulation to address where Glass-Steagle was either weak or now out of date. At the end of the day,

I just can’t with that. That piece spoke to my soul.

Seriously. Add me to the anecdata. We were trying to get pregnant and in that 2 week period where you’re not quite sure if it hit, I cut back but did not eliminate drinking. I also plan on having a few once I get into the 3rd trimester. Because science. I am a huge fan of Emily Oster’s book Expecting Better. I like

Seriously. Even at the local level it’s so vicious (especially things like school boards in my area). I know they’re actively trying to attract more folks to the young Democrats group, so that’s probably where I’ll look next.

I would argue the article is not so much dealing with people in either camp who are run-of-the-mill mean and obnoxious. Rather, the BernieBro supporter is a particularly malicious, vicious, misogynistic strain that seems to go beyond the usual handulf of folks in any camp who are dicks.

The only people who act the way beets has acted toward you are those who assume that once you read stuff about their candidate, there’s NO POSSIBLE WAY you could EVER come to a different conclusion. If you do, you’re clearly a moron who can’t read your way out of a paper bag.

Right. I don’t think too many people assume all Bernie supporters are BernieBros. But they are a super vocal and vicious, so they often dominate the discussions I see (both on FB and on blogs like Gawker, etc.)

Really? Because there was a massivve uproar with BLM interrupted one of his campaign rallys over the summer. Allllll you heard from supporters and media alike were “don’t they know he’s the best candidate for them? Let me tell you why!”.

I think this is key. A lot of people (definitely not just BernieBros) tend to forget that a lot of these issues really start at the local level. Every 4 years there is an explosion of interest in the Presidential election, but not a single one of those idiots do a damn thing at the local level. Meanwhile, they bitch

Yeah, for sure. GPaMazur is a lawyer and I have some insight into how the fee structures and billing works. They can be astronomically high, so that part doesn’t ever surprise me.

I know. I just feel like that’s such a low freaking ceiling.