
If the award was $950k, that should be HER portion; the school should then have to pay whatever attorney fees on top of it. Blech.

I suspect that they’re betting the negative PR isn’t going to come close to outweighing the $$$ they’ll make on any new Ke$ha records/tours/merchandise. Which... is probably true.

Seriously. If one of those kids were mine, I’d flip my shit.

I think in this case, your cycnicism and pragmatism are not mutually exclusive.

It bugs the hell out of me that Sanders supporters are so critical of the endorsement. It stinks of sour grapes. We get it. It would have been a great win for Sanders (or any Democrat, really) to get that endorsement becuase PP is practically the poster child for Democratic leaning institutions. But PP was 100% right

It used to be that Republicans were more of a “hey, let’s take any change really slowly” and not necessarily keeping everything as is. At this point, I’d rather have them clamoring to keep the status quo as it’s har and away better than their current drive back to the 1950s.

Don’t tread on me, indeed.

Yeah, I don’t have much faith in the larger American public about understanding nuances like that, which is why I would hope we can get some strong folks in state-wide offices that can really bend everyone’s ears to the reasons why it would be beneficial.

I just came here to say the same thing! That book is going to save me once we get pregnant, I’ll tell you what.

In case you haven’t already read it, there’s a great book called “Expecting Better”. GPaMazur and I are in the “testing phase”, so to speak, so I picked it up in an attempt to see what is ahead of us. I don’t like people telling me what to do without logical reasons to back it up, and this book does a great job at

Yeah, the Senate is definitely doable because you don’t need to worry so much about the gerrymandering, but the House is more or less locked in unless something happens to restrict jerrymandering in the legistlature (unlikely) or judicial branches (slightly more likely).

I would. There’s a 2nd hand shop near me that only does designer bags and shoes. They had a Birkin a year ago and I almost died. I still couldn’t afford it, but if I am ever in the position to do so I’d buy it in an instant.

Damn! I guess I mixed it up with the Senate. Serves me right for being snarky.

I can’t say I follow education particularly closely. I was excited to see that Sanders endorsed doing away with education funding via property taxes, because I think that’s a huge reason the public school systems are struggling the way they do. Charter schools wouldn’t be necessary, in my opinion, if schools were

Yeah, again, I don’t understand why people keep trotting this out. 93% of her voting record aligns with Bernie Sanders. They’re both liberals. So many of the initiatives that she started as Sec. of State, not to mention with the Clinton foundation, are progressive ones. It’s not wrong to say she’s to the right on

Are you kidding? There aren’t enough seats up for reelection in the house to give the Dems anywhere near a majority. That’s easily google-able.

I’m glad you still support PP. I’ve been reading the comments on all of their FB posts since they endorsed her. Regardless of the topic, all the comments are Sanders supporters whining and crying about the endorsement. A good chunk of them have pledged to stop their donations because of it. The idea that someone would

Except that Sanders and Clinton have an identical voting record 93% of the time. So. Their voting record on civil rights is not drastically different

I agree, and think a single payer is obviously a better system. But when it comes to the Planned Parenthood endorsement, I think it’s fairly obvious that they’re going to be looking at the candidate’s records as they pertain to abortion services, women’s well care, mammograms, etc., etc. I also saw, as part of PP’s