
I get it, but most American voters chose Clinton and I will not have the voice of the people erased! Our system can suck all the dicks, tho.

By “We” I hope you mean the Allies, which mostly consisted of American and British troops with some help from the Free French Forces, Canadians and Australians.

I used to work there, and furthermore bills generally don’t mean much by themselves. They tend to say things like “in subsection 4(A), change effective January 1, 2020 to effective January 1, 2020 subject to approval by the Board as established in subsection 19(C).”

This is actually a dumb criticism whenever it’s brought up. Asking a legislator to read every part of every bill is like asking a software development team lead to personally review every line of code their team writes. It’s a pointless exercise and fundamentally misunderstands how things work. Legislators should be

I’m a Hill staffer. This is accurate with the exception of former Rep. Dave Thomas. He was a notorious asshole, but he was thorough when it came to reading. (No, not the guy who founded Wendys.)

She’s pregnant with twins. Twin pregnancy has a higher incidence of premature labor, delivery and lower birth weight, as well as other complications.

Unfortunately this is true. I have heard comments (from male colleagues a majority of the time) about maternity leave. They think it’s a “vacation.” I’ve even had sly comments directed at me (never been pregnant or married but am in that age range).

Yes, it’s a pain to re-direct work to other employees. But we live in

So here is the reality. Imagine two people interviewing for the same job. Same qualifications, same age (25-35 ish), same race, same marital status, etc. Only difference is that one is female and the other male.

Agreed. I don’t think I’ve followed a foreign election as closely as I’m following the French Elections. And I’m not watching passively, I’m like the person at the movies who’s screaming “OMG RUN!! NO STOP! RUN!!!!” at the character that’s about to make a big mistake.

Pedantic, I know, and apologise in advance but although “connards” does translate literally to assholes, it isn’t quite as strong or vulgar as “asshole” is in English. It isn’t as light as “idiot,” but I would posit that it is somewhere in between. “Con,” for example is literally a cunt, but it doesn’t have nearly that

I gotta say, watching the French election post Trump is a dread-packed endeavor. At least with Brexit I, sweet summer child that I was, could say “u fuckin morons.”

I’m not sure you’d find too many people who’d disagree with this. Abigail Breslin is not the problem, here.

Unpopular opinion: I love Abigail Breslin and I actually hope that I like this. I am sure I won’t love it as much as the original. But I am keeping my expectations low.

This looks terrible and everyone should be ashamed.

Yep. My dad used to call them the “Christian Sharia” (and he’s a Catholic).

And everyone who supports them is SURE that it’s going to be their version of Christianity that is taught and not one they disagree with even though it’s a religion with a million denominations because they keep splitting off from each other when they disagree.

JUST DO IT AT CHURCH!! Jesus Christ, people, you have a whole day that is supposedly set aside for EXACTLY THIS KIND OF THING. Or, if it really needs to be multiple days, do it during school vacation! I got forced to go to enough vacation bible schools/ other assorted religious bullshit to know that these kind of

You’re providing health. This is (unintelligible). Here, everything, pretty much everything you do in government, involves heart, whereas in business, most things don’t involve heart.

...Followed by the 1968 Gun Control Act, which was supported by the NRA.

Fun Fact: When he saw the Black Panthers carrying, Ronald Reagan had no problem with gun control.