
Stepping outside of the narrative production for a moment; I think Kidman’s facial work has officially become a distraction. One of the too-many close up scenes this episode has her furrowing her brow and her face now looks like a rubber mask snapping in out of tension a slight batch of weird folds. It folds a bit in

I know, calling Sutherland’s “my dear boy” as being racist is a huge reach.  

but it sure was racist when he called Detective Mendoza “dear boy. No. No it’s not. Sutherland (and his eyebrows) are a senior, likely English educated, art and humanities expert and “dear boy” is not in anyway an ethnic slur and commonly used. My very senior boss uses it all the time when giving me a slight,


...instead blamed the shooting victims for being out past the curfew...

Check out the big brain on Brett!

More specifically, my kitchen.

I can’t look at him and NOT think, “Who are 3 people that have never been in my apartment.” 

Apparently conservative values don’tallow for women enjoying sex, but at least these fools tell on themselves.

Shut the fuck up.

I mean, there’s a very good chance one of the funerals she goes to will be Biden’s.

What if he sits on it for a while until it falls asleep?

It’s 120 without the scarves.

rest well, Grant.

This one sucks. Like a lot. Mythbusters was a great show, but for me it really took off and came into its own when the Build Team came on. Kari, Grant and Tori just had great chemistry together. I miss the show quite a bit actually and was disappointed no other version involving the old crew ever really took off. And

If the Satisfyer Pro 2 doesn’t do it for you, then it might be time to upgrade. Introducing.....the Satisfyer 2,000,000

If the Satisfyer Pro 2 doesn’t do it for you, then it might be time to upgrade. Introducing.....the Satisfyer 2,000,0

I’ve never been a Rage Against the Machine fan, but my understanding of their lyrics is that they’re basically, “We have very strong opinions about politics/And here’s a PowerPoint laying them out/In very great detail.”

Everybody’s biting Roger Ebert: