
fleetwood mac AND steely dan in the top 5? you people are monsters. both of those bands need to be put in a rocket and launched to the sun. 

ricky henderson. randy moss. 

the original ending is WAY darker. 

you can snitch on OTHER criminal matters in hopes that it will help your sentencing - it doesn’t have to be limited to your charges.

real talk: ghost STINKS

it may not have been for league minimum, but god damn, it feels good to be mostly right:

can’t wait until they release him and the patriots end up getting him for league minimum

thats some crazy ass shit. 

+1 for tubgirl 

should have been drinking more malk to strengthen his bones

could i suggest he do one of these after dropping that catchphrase?

yeah, swap davos for beric and then you’re talking a serious trio of secondary characters i don’t want to die. 

in college, some acquaintances of mine from the local punk scene had an on going feud with a frat house of D1 athletes. Routinely saw the D1 kids start stuff on the street where they outnumbered them 3:1, 4:1 and every single time my acquaintances whipped the shit out of them. it wasn’t even close.

in a day in age where MMA is now a practically mainstream sport, getting into a street fight with a stranger is idiotic. Too many people have actual skills in bjj, krav or muay thai. Or there are just total psychos will always be tougher than you.

tell me your thoughts on “Myke” or where you stand on the great “Sean / Shaun / Shawn” debate

the nfl: where irrevocably damaging players brains through CTE is no big deal, but smoking weed is tantamount to joining fucking ISIS. half the grandmas i know smoke weed, for fucks sake. its legal (medical or recreational) or decriminalized in all but 3 states, the NFL needs to get its fucking priorities straight.

IIRC, someone on the dodgers paid the PA guy to play AC/DC’s “ballbreaker” when Beltre walked up to the plate for his first at bat after the injury.

that was my introduction to type o negative. it would take me 20 years to finally appreciate them. haha

counter-counter point: Righteous Jams - Business as Usual