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pretty good, but it’ll never compare to:

M I R A C L E S [whoop whoop]

somethings you just don’t talk about in public

thanks a lot, almond milk! now humans are mating with bugs

only bugs don’t have co-ed showers

“li’l Losman” made me snarf. legit LOL.

counter point: triggered drums are total bullshit.

100% agree that the best revenge is making it through and living a spectacular life, free of the bullshit tormentors heaped on you.

i got my nikes ready and a pocket full of quarters for the intergalactic space tolls. lets party. 

yeah, i mean, they were good in the patriots system. matt cassell went 11-5!

i’m the same way, but the reason is this - if my dick is in my hand, then i’m solidly in “me time” -don’t disturb my me time.

lots of core work can actually increase the appearance of a gut. if you do lots of crunches and the like, you will build bigger muscles... but if your diet is crap and/or you don’t do any cardio, it’ll just push the layer of fat out more. this is sometimes referred to as the “power belly” in the power lifting

when you choose to publicly affiliate with genocidal maniacs, i think it safe to assume they are not open to conversion. i really don’t think anyone proudly wearing a swastika in 2017 is someone who is open to hearing anything other than blind hatred.

having a friend who has eaten horse (while he lived in outer mongolia in the peace corps), i can thoroughly back this statement up.

for very active people, the general rule is 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, then you can deduct that from the forecasted caloric rate and roughly divide the fats and carbs. there are nuances, more fats to help stay lean, more carbs for endurance athletes, etc. i do a fat guy sport (powerlifting) so i’m

“fritos are bad” might be the worst take of all fucking time. the person who wrote that is either pure evil or the dumbest person this side of trump. not even vegans can shit talk fritos, and they try to ruin everything!

competitive powerlifter and deadspinner here — anyone who is serious about the sport knows how impressive this is. i weigh 2.5x what she does, and while my numbers are higher, her weight:strength ratio destroys mine, and its not even close. 

jerry remy is an assclown in every conceivable way. the sox should’ve cut ties with him after his dirtbag son killed that poor woman. everything he is involved with ultimately implodes.

echoing a previous comment: this really isn’t unique to Boston. people make a big deal of it because of Boston’s reputation as a liberal and generally well educated city. racist shits live everywhere though, and will continue to do shitty, racist things. That isn’t meant to be a defeatist comment - everything should