I could never understand how “trapped on a boat with 3,000 people and their germs” is considered a vacation idea.
I could never understand how “trapped on a boat with 3,000 people and their germs” is considered a vacation idea.
And a new month, Trumpuary.
Don’t sweat it Donald, they sent me a letter asking that I please stop having mind blowing sex with every single cheerleader and also I have gold medals in freedom and cheeseburger. Also I wrote every song on Revolver and was the star of Casablanca.
“He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a slimy con man.”
This boulder of shit is incapable of honesty. And as disturbing as that may be, the fact that there are millions walking among us who believe him to be a capable choice for President is fucking frightening.
I despise Trump but this is a really lame effort fwiw.
Turns out neither side was doing a Nazi salute and everyone makes a big deal about nothing to further their own political agenda of making the other party look like Nazis instead of discussing issues, because we’re all a bunch of twats.
I get this isn’t a glamorous job, but is it really necessary to shit on this guy for working?
Also the seat heater buttons are pretty easy to find.
People missing the point will try to point out that she apparently was only using a pistol at the time, so likely not a type of gun that is currently being targeted by gun control advocates. But the real point is the disconnect between the dream—I will use this to protect my family!!!—and the reality—that it is far…
All responsible gun owners are responsible gun owners right up until they aren't. Weird how that works.
Or if someone—someone who is a woman even—demanded the US take over the responsibility of resettling some Syrian refugees to help facilitate political stability within the EU.
That was the weirdest press conference I’ve ever seen outside of the context of a gay sex scandal from a family values candidate.
Truly heartbreaking. I have no words for how awful I feel for the girl. She’s very, very, very damaged from her experiences, and I hope she gets help. Her parents seem like they’re decent people and I hope she finds a way to be okay.
He’s 16, she’s 15, and by all accounts it was consensual.
It’s awesome of you to share that
Ummm, she’s in classical heaven. SHOSTAKOVICH ALL FARKING DAY. And Mahler at night. BAM.
I love that this story is on Jez. I was performing on stage with her on Sunday. I didn’t know her personally, but by all reports she was an awesome woman and will be dearly missed.
What an unbelievable badass. How lucky she is to have found her passion and been able to do it for so long. I can't imagine that those 71 years came without tremendous fight.
Gwyneth, ease up on the Juvaderm. Unless you’re storing organic nuts in those cheeks!