“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”
“Who in the hell is this Democrat-come-lately to scold Democrats on all they’ve done wrong?”
She is horribly unfunny. Her voice is painful to listen to, like nails on a chalkboard, and the reaction of her studio audience (does she have one?) is pretty obviously being sweetened with a dubbed-in laugh track. She should be a podcaster, because this crap is embarrassingly amateurish for cable TV.
It sounds like she mouthed off at one of them when asking for her things to be bagged properly. It’s hard to tell because she is having a full tantrum. The ending is hilarious. I’m pretty sure she’s on the phone with the police and yelling at them that she’s being discriminated against.
This is bullshit. Fact-based criticism of any candidate is legitimate.
why are you assuming clinton was owed those votes
This is an especially idiotic hot taek.
How is hillary not used to crowds all of a sudden, she’s been doing speeches in the for years.
I gotta agree with you! I am 100% anti-Trump, I am also an RN on an ortho-neuro floor and I gotta say, that looked like a neurological condition more than heatstroke. At what point can someone look at this and go—-”hmmm, this does not look good for a potential US President” without being called sexiest, stupid and a…
I guess passing out must be a normal occurrence for jezebel folks. I’ve never passed out or even seen anyone pass out just from being in heat. If she’s overheating at 78 degrees, I guess she’ll never be visiting anything south of Virginia from April-October or she’ll drop as soon as she steps off the plane.
It was 75 according to forecasts, and anything under 90 is mild. I wear a suit in Houston every weekday, so I don’t want to hear about mid 70s and humidity and wearing clothes.
No pun intended, but judging from these comments, we’ve entered the “whistling past the graveyard” stage.
At least now we know what evidence Homeland Security used to tip of the Australian authorities.
In fugly as hell gladiator sandals. When did those come back in style, and who do I have to punish for it?
Anyone who refers to Times Square as the #Bestplaceever should be given extra screening by the TSA. The full pat down, the hand swabby thing, drug sniffing dogs, all of the things. Only criminals and monsters could think of TS as a fun place to hang in NYC. It’s science.
Dear God. I don’t even know who these people are and I hate them.
Calling a man a cunt, especially with a British accent, is surprisingly effective and satisfying, without the baggage associated with using the term as to a women.
Yup. I think cunts round the world should be offended. Thus, the word cunt was replaced with an even more offensive slur: You’re such a coulter.
I’ve always gone with hatchet-faced harridan, because I like the alliteration.
How about "CUNT", or "CUUUUUNT"?
“Which is troubling, because I’m not sure Donald Trump knows what he’s legally allowed to do!”