
Fucking get over yourself....Hillary lost cause she was a shifty candidate. Nobody’s fault but her own and the DNC’s. Honestly part of this whole fucking “you owe her your vote” shit is what turned off so many people. Go fuck yourself with your entitled bullshit.  I’m surprised you didn’t blame Russia while you were

Trump didn’t completely lose use of his legs, on camera, or else we would.

Even if she were wearing kevlar, wouldn’t that mean that every NYPD officer who was likewise there wearing kevlar would have fainted? Or at least, i dunno, 2 or 3?

YES! Especially the Cliffs - did you see those signs? Nothing could be clearer....

This *could* be one in the same person.

I was just in Ireland visiting family and asked them why they don’t visit here anymore. THIS was the reason they all cited.

I’m confused - I’m 50 and I certainly don’t remember this “live together before marriage, you have to marry a woman to get her into bed” 1996? Where did the mother grow up, in a nunnery? The Middle East?

Dude doth verily resemble fair maiden.

Stick Figures In Peril is the name of my new band.

It is curious-I’m 50 and I do 90% of my shopping there, so does my 74 year old mom. And it’s not a recent development - she’s been a regular shopper since the 80s in SoCal, and even before they opened them on the East Coast I would pack a foldable duffle bag in my suitcase when I visited her and filled it up with

Their avocados are decent too. And their jumbo eggs. Big diff between TJs in the East and West Coast. My mom and I are always phoning each other about “I just bought this a Trader Joe’s and you.must try it” and 50% of the time it ends up being regionally available. In NY we have much better breads and our frozen stuff

I’m sorry YOU have to deal with that. I also have a half-sister but we’re 28 years apart (i being the eldest) and there was never anything except affection between us. Our other sister (the LA one) has NO relationship with the little sister, and although she was very upset and confused about it when she was younger,

Ugh, tell me about it. My poor mom is insisting on a visit, wants me to come out next week, and I’m dreading it not because I don’t love my mom (in spite of her RW views, she’s funny as hell and I adore her), but my sister will sulk, scowl and torture my parents after I leave with her chorus of “WHY DOES SHE GET

Can I just say I’m jealous that you had a relationship with your sister that allowed you to dine together, let alone be roomies. My sister and I were close until our 20s, but she got into drugs and the whole LA thing, while I worked and traveled and bought a house etc etc. She still lives with my parents (mid-40s) and

I’m married to a fellow nerd. We have 2 rescued pups and 3 rescued kitties. I have white furniture although the sofas are slip-covered. And just to tie in Hurrikate’s remarks, we fart in our king size bed which we barely fit in because the dogs splay out in the most hilarious fashion. We go to bed at 8pm, but we go to

I met him once while I was walking my dog in a park in Westchester, and he was out for a jog. He stopped to complement me about my gorgeous mutt (Dane/lab mix) and we chatted casually for about 5 minutes. Charismatic as hell, sexy as hell and I immediately understood why women responded to him as they did.

Getahtahee, of course Yonkiz is UPSTATE!!!

Then you would have appreciated how confused my husband was when I worked at Sotheby’s in New York.

Funny, I’m from the Bronx, daughter of a born and bred Irishwoman and a Bronx man. My tongue is very confused sometimes. But to even it out I hang out in Woodlawn so I’m partially understood by half the people. ETA I lived in LA for a while and no one could detect a NY accent so I guess I’m a chameleon, which makes

I think the Dead thought they were trying to do some kind of free from jazz but they were too high to pull it off. Ornette Coleman they’re not. And the lyrics? It’s like some high school student wrote them. Don’t get it, never will.