
YES YES YES you have to love the "his wife is hot so why on earth would he sexually harass anyone?" Because only beautiful women are sexual harassed! Because if men have a girlfriend they have no aggression! Because, hey, he just gave you a compliment, what's the big deal, sugar tits?!?

Better report him, brother. He needs to spend some time in room 101.

*internet hugs* you have every right to decide on what toxicity you allow into your life. Nobody else gets to decide your need/want/readiness to forgive, or even assume that forgiveness is on the table.

I saw that and people have no idea why the other five kids didn’t go to dinner with their grandfather. I mean I don’t believe each one had an emergency where they could not make it, but what if the one you were sending death threats to did?

I just had a friend from high school recently message me on Facebook. She stopped talking to me because she hated that I made all these new friends in college. Meanwhile — she grew up upper-middle class (two attorney parents) and threw all of her opportunities away for an Oxycontin addiction. I used to think over and

Yeah I love seeing my nephew and niece and if I keep the conversation light enough we can have a great time. I just wish we were friends and close but if wishes were fishes and all that. God poor you and your sis Meth is horrendous. All that stress on your family :( I hope the visit goes well and all of you can enjoy

My mom has 2 sisters and 1 brother and they are all crazy close. My dad is also close with his two brothers.

I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. My two half sisters refuse to talk to me. Apparently my existence ruined their lives. It was all fine until I was in my 20s (they are 11&13 years older than me. We have different mothers) and suddenly I was the nemesis. They won’t talk to my poor mom either and it makes her so

I love my sister but she thinks I’m an idiot. It’s hard to have any conversations beyond weather, her kids and parents. Extended visits are tricky.

The world needs more of this sort of “I’m green” old people craziness instead of the “President Trump will let me murder Mexicans” old people crazy we’ve been getting lately.

“My daily routine is I get up and go in the kitchen and turn on all the lights and I see all the green and I go ‘Oh, it’s a happy day!’”

She’s my new role model :')

Right! Just don’t dye your pets.

People like her make a crusty old broad like me so happeeeeee. I love a freak...and I mean that in the best way.

I want to cast her in my Rainbow Brite/Golden Girls mash-up.

One of my favorite things about my adopted city is the delightful array of genial oddballs, happy kooks and genuine free spirits that is available and on quiet, subdued display 365 days a year.

She does seem like a lovely person, and think of how easy it would be to shop for her!

Good on her! Harmless, eccentric people make the world a better place. More lively, more interesting, more spiritually challenging. Good for you, Green Lady!

I love her.

This is insane. I feel like....I worry that my head will explode. Good news this is my view from my hotel right now!

Why am I even alive today as someone who has chosen not to have kids?