Yamightta’s well be in Serracuse!
Yes! “Yonkiz” is totally country. Too funny. xD
“Yooze guys.”That’s one of the most NY things my mom said. She was from Yonkers, which is next to the Bronx. One time a coworker dropped her off and said, “I didn’t know you lived out in the country!” Because of like 2 trees. Off topic, but I had to share.
That is funny, and I feel you! I think some of us are just more susceptible to contagious accents than others— it’s definitely a thing, whether or not somebody else’s accent will ‘rub off’ on you. When I went away to college, my roommate was from Birmingham, Alabama, and the whole hallway had a bet on who’d pick up…
I’m the opposite. I’ve been supporting Bernie but I like Hillary....but today put me firmly in camp Bernie. The whole namedropping Kissinger thing and the sanitizing of her FP record just drove me nuts. Plus, her comments about race just....no. Honestly, at this point I’m more interested in domestic policy although I…
I can’t believe that Hillary thought name dropping Kissinger last debate as a good thing would go over well.
This Henry Kissinger slam is something that a liberal needed to eventually say on TV to millions of captive viewers, thank fuck.
probably that many people could stand to be released, given the number locked up for non-violent drug (especially marijuana) related crimes.
A political consultant who specializes in female candidates just arrived, walked in the room and exclaimed, “oh so much yellow!” Clearly you are not alone
I don't feel like a bad feminist for preferring Bernie, but I do feel like a bad feminist for the amount of brain space I've given her yellow top.
It’s so funny you say that, several of the women in my office (we’re having an office party) were just saying that, “I don’t want to talk about her clothes, why does she make me?!” sums up their sentiment
Hermione wasn’t the one who defeated Voldemort and the Death Eaters, though.
Hillary as Secretary of State, pushed through a military coup in Honduras creating a generation of orphans.
The Republicans would love to see PBS go away
Heck, as a Bernie fan, I can recognize that Clinton herself has overcome plenty of adversity and broken a lot of barriers for women. Same goes for Steinem and Albright.
That said, being a badass lady doesn’t protect you from criticism, particularly when you are insulting and belittling the women you claim to fight for.…
Ah yes, the same Madeline Albright who said 500000 Iraqi children who died over sanctions was ‘worth it’.
Who in their right mind would fuck with the lady that said the death of 500,000 Iraqi kids was worth it? Not me!
She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.