
Why would you make me see Tom Cruise’s tongue licking someone.

For some reason you clarifying that Pepsi is not your first choice is utterly hilarious and charming to me.

Great username.

I’m crying.

Darling, my self worth is in the toilet too. Straight (mostly) female here and my weight is so tied in with how I view myself and feel about myself. I hear you.

I’m dying.

Late at night, steal their Trump sign and replace it with a Hillary sign!

The word you’re looking for is assclown. He is an assclown.

Go fuck yourself

What a douche canoe, man. I’m sorry to hear that happened to you.

At 5'9 and 145 pounds I’m technically in the healthy range but several men have told me I’m fat or they miss how I used to look. I struggle with binge-eating disorder and anorexia and alcohol abuse, so, yeah, I’ve packed on some weight. I used to be 118 pounds and now I’m not.

You’re an ass.

how do you live in Boston and not see a black person...

When other white people come up to you and say some wacky racist shit, man. It’s like, dude. We might look the same but we are NOT together on this go away.

Thank you for sharing this perspective.

Can I just say great username.

Thank you for this perspective. I haven’t seen Portlandia in a while (and I was pretty drunk 99% of the time when I saw it to be honest so my memory is foggy), but I can see whoever is in charge of that stuff feeling like Hmm, let’s not associate something like BLM with our wacky irreverent sketch comedy show.

Your comment killed me. I’m dead.

That’s what I thought. My little brother has autism and can’t stand strong flavors. One of the foods he’ll tolerate is plain, white pasta with butter. It’s bland as fuck. I thought they were saying she’s bland and unremarkable, not body shaming.

I thought “walking bowl of buttered noodles” was some kind of reference to her being....bland? I could be wrong, but I didn’t think that was a criticism of her being slender.