
Yeah, and completely illegal to use any information gained from looking at that source code in their own products. I guarantee anyone who actually works in this space is staying far away from this leak. I wouldn’t want to have to prove my ideas were my own against Amazon attorneys, especially if it can be proved you

It’s because only the largest and/or institutional holders are on the Q&A parts of the investor calls I guess. Kotaku isn’t the place to get an accurate and measured article about investing or market forces. No company in their right mind would have any indepth comment about an ongoing lawsuit, no matter how public,

You are aware you don’t have to be “rich” to own stocks, right? Lots of hard working middle income people own stocks either directly, through ETF’s, retirement savings funds, etc. in corporations as a way of hopefully saving up for retirement. I’m getting tired of the idea that only corporate elitist fat cats own

FWIW, the recent beta looked like it supported kb+m on PS4 and looked like it would matchmake according to input device. I only got into the beta for a few hours on the last day, so I didn't take the time to haul mine out to try it, but the options were there.

When someone buys their fourth car, no one asks if that 30,000$ purchase was justified. It’s a hobby. Chill :) 

You are way too invested in all of this.

This is dumb. Popular person paid to play and promote a game. The world goes on, people play and enjoy the new game. Boo freaking hoo.

Who the people who made the game that brings more collectivejoy in a single minute of existence then most people do in an entire week? Or the streamer who has managed to monetize what he loves doing and provides a service that evidentially also provides happiness to many people?

Last year, Gizmodo Media Group editorial had layoffs. But because we’re unionized, we were able to get a seat at the table to ensure that we were all kept informed, and we convinced our parent company Univision to instead offer buyouts, allowing those who wanted to leave the company to leave by choice (with 4 months

Oh look. A company has to cut fat, yet pay the top guy millions of dollars for this failure instead of sacking his ass.

Perhaps because the $60 game was a standalone game.

New content costs money to make SMH

All of this just adds fuel to my theory that Activision is setting expectations too high and perhaps purposefully hamstringing Bungie, with the end goal being to either put them in such a state where they’d be willing to sell either the studio or the IP to Activision.

I don’t think they’ll sell the studio and know

“I didn't like the games they made. I'm glad they get robbed. I'm a mature person with rational thoughts." 

Infinite Warfare was too good for the average CoD audience. It was underappreciated and wrongfuly panned.

“Toasting a bagel in that thing will be impossible. Even for a computer!”

“It’s not impossible. I used to toast bagels in my Oster back home, and they’re not much bigger than 2 centimeters.”

You aren’t a very tech oriented person are you? Actually forget that. Even non-tech oriented people can understand how tabs work. You must be tech-retarded. Would explain your horrible use of past tense in your sentence structure. You have also clearly never used excel if you think they are in any way similar.

not really. the complaint everyone is having with 10 is the forced upgrade. you are the first and only person ive ever heard complain about the ui. its pretty much the same thing as 7 just with some things added to the start button and a more streamlined use of resources under the hood. not to mention the search box

Well there’s little chance Vader will pursue them to that beach on the cover. He hates sand. It’s coarse and rough and just gets everywhere.

So your fine with people destroying others property as long as you dislike that person. Your parents must be so proud.

For me, it was the CoD:IW trailer. When it first started up, there was no text (or maybe I missed that part) so I had no clue what game it was. A commander of a spaceship plots a course for the next mission. Then we see a dogfight in space. It wasn’t until the pilot got out and started shooting that I began to