
100% exactly this!!!!  I remember years ago when someone at Coca Cola stole a bunch of stuff and tried to sell it to Pepsi. Pepsi immediately informed Coke and they setup a sting and busted the leaker. Despite being their biggest competitor you don’t want to be in possession of those types of documents. It could

Seeing the smaller picture and I have no idea? I know exactly how it all works. I am telling you from my 10+ years of experience as a game dev working on some of the biggest selling AAA titles that it really isn’t double the work. Yes, it is “more” work, but it doesn’t double it.

It isn’t really double the work for qa. It isn’t double the work currently and the pipelines are and will literally be the same as it is now. Engineering will need to do some more work but really the impact vs payout is worth it.

I am speaking from my experiences as a dev (artist) that it isn’t as bad or really much extra work (if any) if you have a decent content pipeline. If you have shit tools and staff then yeah but devs have had to do this already for years with the differences between the sony/microsoft consoles and with art tools and

Actually no. Time will not need to be spent between the two different consoles. That isn’t how it works. Now the difference between Sony and Microsoft, yes there are things that work differently but that’s not what I am saying.

When making content for games most artists make their content at a much higher resolution

I see a lot of people in here complaining about this and saying things like it doesn’t make sense, games will still be held back, etc and I feel they may be missing the point and benefits with all of this.

My question for you though is. How is buying a new console at $300-400 for upgraded hardware any different than a

too bad he used pieces of art from another artist taken straight from The Division. the guy walking in the first image and the guy crouched against the ibeam are both from The Division.

funny you should say that.... I said too much. Gotta go...

My internet is real hit and miss from my cave in Afghanistan, but thanks for the run down on the basics of economics. Phew... I have been doing it wrong this whole time.

You are right. If people want a refund. EA should do the right thing and give a refund. In the end you as the consumer have the power to make your next choice on what game you buy. I picked Sim City up and then grabbed Dead Space 3 for my free game. I am happy with that. I got 2 games I wanted for the price of one.


I see what you did there.... Brilliant! But yes now as in presently playing Sim City when I am gaming, not now as in in this very moment..

Nope I don't work for EA and never have. I am a 3d artist in the industry though if that matters at all since you brought up the EA thing.

I'm not trolling or belittling anyone here. Just saying if you want a refund. Get one. If you don't like the list of games you can get for FREE then boo hoo. You have them all then great.

Then get a refund and stop bitching. Pretty simple. EA isn't trying to buy someone off. They are giving you a free game as a way to say hey sorry for your trouble and for trying to stick with us. If you don't want it. Don't take it. Pretty easy.

Oh look people are bitching about getting something for free because it STILL isn't good enough for them. The level of self entitlement that some of you people show is beyond ridiculous. I'm playing Sim City now and it is playing just fine. A few things to still work out but it is playable and I'm enjoying it.

Yeah people seem to forget TF2 wasn't free forever... lol morons...

I also haven't picked it up yet because of my experience with the beta, because work is slammed right now and a few other reasons. I probably would have still grabbed it on tuesday from the store if I had been out and about but I'll grab it when it's convenient. It is a shame though.

I agree and it is a HUGE EPIC ball drop on EAs part but it will get fixed.

I'd like to know how many of you bitching about this even bought the damn thing. So there are a few issues. They will be sorted out soon enough I am sure. Go outside...