
The second loot cave is honestly not even worth it at this point. Its funner to just do strike playlists and crucible for gear. You know, because vanguard points let you buy gear anyway. And they drop engrams, etc.

She's too touchy because people comment and say she has "jowels" or that she looks too overweight to be Arya?

Yeah the game was fun. I really wish they would have let Raven do another one, but with a original story. There was alot of good ideas there bogged down by awful movie tie in. To bad Raven is forced to only make Call of Duty games now.

Lol, enjoy your shitty attitude.

C'mon, Luke, seriously? This story was bred by misinformation and misrepresentation of rumours and speculation.
So you finish this post with more of it? Christ, with that kind of reporting we might as well believe that you fucked a horse for breakfast. I mean, you haven't stated that you didn't yet. It's what isn't

Jesus, someone come get this delicate flower to his feinting couch before he catches The Vapours.

Multiplayer games have required Gold since the original Xbox. Sorry that you are a retard and didnt realize that from the start. I love how its always like a new discovery, wait what? It requires gold to play online? NO SHIT! It always has. Its XBOX! That or you were being sarcastic at how stupid that reviewers are,

The hatred circle jerk is far worst than the game.

This is why I don't play Skylanders.

I'm tired of game "critics" who don't provide even a basic, subjective opinion of how well a game was actually made. Reviews that only talk about the arbitrary features that particular critic cares about are completely worthless.

Well, that's a refreshing change of pace. Yes, all platform holders and publishers pay us for all of our coverage. It makes it easier for our company to not pay us anything. You figured it out!

Waiting for Black Ops 3

Technically, western democracy killed Chivalry, since it precluded the existence of Knights. :)

I'm sure it isnt 25 billion hours but what is the combined reading time people have spent of 50 Shades of Grey?

I'm getting tired of this guy and the way he keeps making himself out to be some kind of freedom fighter along the lines of what Wikileaks did. What he's done is shitty, not something to be applauded.

Well, if they were not going to prosecute this guy before, they sure will now.

Shouldn't have apologized in the first place, in my opinion. Is the statue maybe not everyone's taste? Sure, I'll concede that. Here's an idea: if you don't like it, don't buy it. I'm all for sensitivity to toward people's feelings and whatnot but in some instances people need to just lighten up. It's a game about

I, too, was addicted to a "shoot-em-up gun game" somewhere between 20 and 30 years ago. I remember the first time I held that Light Gun in my hands, the trembling sensation of pure power; the first time I fired it, and seeing the unmistakable white block on the screen. The body of my enemy falling out of the sky. And