I have to disagree in this scenario. The Mustang is a piece of American history. If that was a photo of a brand new Lamborghini being saved most of us would say “why?". They burn themselves to the ground all the time anyway.
I have to disagree in this scenario. The Mustang is a piece of American history. If that was a photo of a brand new Lamborghini being saved most of us would say “why?". They burn themselves to the ground all the time anyway.
It doesn’t take much to trick someone from Arkansas. I used to sell Cheerios there as donut seeds.
It would be actually awesome if he did this in the Conference that has the real talent. The East is a pathetic joke.
Two Stugotzes in the same photo is one too many Stugotzes. At a minimum.
I sincerely hate this continuing series of posts and I hope that GRRM dies, decades from now, without ever releasing the final book just to deeply upset you all.
I also believe we need gun control, and do believe it will prevent many of these from happening again, but she should be taken to task a little for this:
Toucher & Rich?
People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them…
The most upsetting part of this story is that I had to listen to 33 seconds of WEEI just to get to the soundbite in question. Boston sports shows are the worst.
Are you from New England, Emma? News flash: driving in the snow isn’t the hardest thing in the world. If I was getting paid millions of dollars to show up to work in the snow, I think I’d take it slow and make it the alright.
So just leave em in the ghetto is what you’re saying?
Same on seeing Fury Road twice in the theater. Can’t remember the last time I did that. (But I know the first time I did that was The Matrix).
What job? First Lady isn’t a paid position with real responsibilities. It’s a sexist, thankless throwback from the days before wives were allowed to have separate lives and careers from their husbands and were expected to be a full time mothers and help-mates. I don’t have many nice things to say about Melanie Trump…
Even if you accept the (obviously, stupidly, grandly wrong) conservative interpretation of the Second Amendment, there’s still no actual right to sell guns. So why not ban that?
Pfft, no there won’t, what a fucking stupid opinion. It’s like you’ve never been here before...you don’t know anything. Moron.
If you’re running down the street and someone crosses your path, are you allowed to lay them out like that?
Seems to fit the bill to me