Good.... guy is a piece of shit
Good.... guy is a piece of shit
I am guessing because Texas
not now..reports are not only did he show up late for practice but he showed signs of “impairment” and was “not himself”
just download torrents it is instant and free with blue ray quality. You get the right site and you can get a blue ray copy weeks before the DVD releases.
Bullying and harassment in a video game? seriously?
you spelled apple juice wrong
The Stugotz is strong in him.
hopefully this sustains!! I fear that it will go by the wayside in a couple of weeks just like the Occupy and BLM movement. I hold out hope!
I would tend to will meet the “he was mean to me” so I will destroy him.
where is all this outrage against pro wrestling...CTE,murder, suicides rampant. Wrestlers dying in the ring!!..nope target football because ..won’t someone think about the children!!!
wholly knee jerk !!
the minute that tubby tube of goo touched me I would have layed him out.
Youtube or a video sharing platform
Yes Felony especially for such and idiot.
16 million fans glued to the TV would disagree....also do you think Incognito ever has anything nice to say?
Felony is a felony, statute of limitations doesn’t seem to have expired.
no other football game except for the last one that had fog during the game even including the fog bowl.
not orders....the written law.