
The league makes money off it, and that’s all they care about anyway.

The warrant was obtained in February right after the incident.

Are we seriously digging up a flippant :05 sec comment from 6 years ago? It seems to me it was a comment made very much in context of the “rape and pillage” nature of the show, and was spoken specifically during a GoT panel. If you’re easily triggered by any mention of rape, then the overt sexual violence of GoT

So the Red Sox are still stealing signs then?

Oh, he was ACCUSED of that? Well, say no more! That’s all the proof I need!!

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

Plus being a white guy with a shaved head is especially problematic in the current political climate.

If a crowd of people surrounds my car and starts hitting it, I’m getting the hell out of there. I can’t be the only person who feels this way.

Aren’t all whites racist to some degree whether they know it or not?

“He was a human being with whom you disagreed. Thus, he deserved to die, or at least, you are happy he died. That is EXACTLY what is wrong today. You must be a wonderful member of a political party.”

So...I guess torture is just a disagreement....that is a seriously fucked up thing to say (wait...are you a would explain things...lack of empathy..)

You rather a murderer stay alive to continue murdering. Got it. If the only way a murderer can be stopped is to be killed, then what is the unethical stance you are standing against? And by doing so, taking yourself? It’s tragic when an opposing soldier dies in war, but they must, to prevent what they’re aiming to do.

It’s not that I’m happy he died, I feel indifferent. I certainly don’t feel bad he died. He chose to stab bulls and piss them off for a living. Looks like he made a poor choice.

“with whom you disagreed” That’s an impressive stretch you’ve made there. People can justify doing anything they want now and if it’s deemed disgusting and immoral you can distill it down to “well it’s just a difference of opinion”. Good lord.

Petey, more people agree with giabread’s comment than they agree with your comments. Stop commenting and turn off your laptop.

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

GOAT discussions are really tiresome.

It’s Jeter In Butt Land, and it’s not close.

“What does the future hold for Deadspin’s AL East coverage? Let’s just say we’ve got a few ideas up our sleeve.”