Ghost in the Machine

To be fair, it’s an easy mistake to make. They’re both generic white guys with the same generic name.

“Agatha Christie, but SEXY”

Yeah, I didn’t realize Jennifer’s Body was considered such an influential film.

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“400lb guy” is a reference to something Trump said about hacking during one of the debates.

“It’s true what they say. We all float down here, and you will, too.”

I’m not too invested either but I was surprised when scrolling through the comments that someone was taking the image at face value.

But that’s not an excuse to turn off your bullshit detector. Perhaps it’s real but my bullshit detector says it’s a steaming pile (for multiple reasons). I haven’t found an original source and I certainly don’t accept a copied image as proof.

You think that’s not fake? Really?

For the record, the jacket is a normal thing for the President or VP to wear when visiting the DMZ.

I don’t know if Brie Larson would be up for playing another Vietnam era war photographer though.

I strip the bed and change sheets every laundry day, which for me is about every 7-14 days depending on a few factors. That seems to be often enough.

Joanna’s tail post may have been the best thing I read on Jezebel this year. I’m also still not convinced she isn’t really Dakota Johnson. Has anyone seen the two of them in the same place at the same time?

The first thing that came to mind when I saw the image of Putin.

Don’t be silly. Emma Stone will play Buzz Aldrin.

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Crap. Now I can’t not see her as a reptilian alien wearing a human suit.

Not legendary, it says legendry, an actual word.