Ghost in the Machine

Hmm. Good choices.

Swarmanoid? You're 3/4 of the way to a SyFy movie. You just need a hottie woman scientist and maybe Bruce Boxleitner or John Rhys-Davies.

That's what I was thinking. Cool, but we are so screwed when the robot uprising comes.

Despite my issues with the study (articulated by plenty of other commenters so I won't repeat them) I'm going to work the wonderfully elegant phrase "increased frequency of mate choice" into a conversation.

That's what's really bugging me about the modules' use. There's no nuance about it.

"An epic roller coaster ride. The final twist will leave you gasping." - Rolling Stone

That episode reminded me of a bad episode of 24, including the torture of a main character. I still dislike Rex so much that I was rooting for Colin Maloney even though it was obvious he was going to have a bad end.

Yeah! Nothing shows how serious we are like rearranging the bureaucratic structure.

I think we all know where this is headed.

They'll probably go for the happy ending - the wedding of Carter and Blake, which will justify bringing back just about every guest star whose character isn't dead.

I was a huge reader of mysteries in my younger years. I didn't want to know whodunit before I got to the end of the book. Apparently that makes me an outlier in this case since I still prefer to be unspoiled about stories I'm interested in.

For a movie that had Robert Di Nero, Dakota Fanning, Elizabeth Shue, and a bunch of other good actors, Hide and Seek was really mediocre. Watchable but mediocre.

Tom Byron as Obi Wan? My childhood is truly dead.

I'm not sure about the gloves since they're also the same kind of gloves you'd expect a medical worker to be wearing when examining a possibly infectious patient (and on the cop shows I watch that's the kind of gloves they're wearing at crime scenes to avoid contaminating the scene). She really is a CDC doctor,

"The Avengers are headed to Cleveland" made me think of the catchphrase "The Simpsons are going to X" line, including hearing it in Homer's voice.

Lindsey Wagner's character, Dr. Calder, also appears on W13. She's a romantic interest for Artie.

And that was the third option I mentioned (try reading the whole comment). I thought someone might have said that but I wasn't sure.

Either it was a bureaucratic error or Beverly Barlowe's people hacked in and changed the request to inoculate everyone as part of the failsafe plan. Or someone was just being overzealous or over cautious and ordered inoculations for everyone.

Five seasons is still a good run for a show and it's better if Eureka doesn't overstay its welcome.

Dr. Anne Lize? If her middle initial is A I'm calling bullshit.