Ghost in the Machine

In context it wasn't a bad line.

Yes, she was.

How could you have a promo for tonight's Warehouse 13 without mentioning the return of H.G. Wells?

You must not watch much U.S. television. That was hardly excessive.

I agree it's a viable solution and probably the best of a bad set of choices. I could make that call if I had to.

What the hell is smoking a sandwich?

Rex is still an asshole but he's right about the amateurs.

I'm sure a drunken raid on the nearest construction site will provide a suitable piece of equipment (such as a bulldozer) to accomplish the task. I deny any personal knowledge of drunken construction site hijinks, of course.

Well, the cricket pitch is the same distance as a chain, though unless you're familiar with land surveying you probably haven't heard of that either. The chain was literally a 66 foot long length of chain used for measuring distances (an acre is 10 square chains) before the steel tape was invented and long before you

I see. Thanks for the prompt reply.

Okay, I'll ask the dumb question. Since I don't watch Glee or musicals in general, just what did Glee do for musicals? This is a genuine question, I'm not being snarky.

No. Don't forget this was made in the mid 1960s. This guy is a character actor who was in a lot of tv shows and movies of the time. The guy in Men in Black is Tony Shaloub(sp).

Now playing

I recently rewatched The Cage and realized just how racy it was for the time. In case you've never seen the original pilot (and if you haven't, go see it ASAP) here's the Orion slave girl scene that started the green woman thing.

Now I'm wondering who a dating service that makes recommendations based on my book buying history and dating history would pair me up with.

It's been over 20 years since I've read that book so can you refresh my memory?

I know what he meant from the context. But that jumped out at me and I usually don't catch typos.

"and it began a slow, gentle with its larger companion" A slow, gentle what?

Like someone else below mentioned, I was bothered more by the dog getting vaporized than any of the people. I guess nothing else really says "the aliens are bad guys and not just misunderstood" like killing a dog.

I don't think Steve is one of the bad guys. I do think the writers are setting up Claudia to be devastated when Something Bad (probably death) happens to him, though.