
This isn’t a contest. 

Hear, hear. 15 years ago I enjoyed a challenge. Now, I want a fun world, memorable characters, and a good story, and no barriers to me enjoying them in the limited free time I have. I can’t afford to waste two hours on a boss anymore - that’s probably two nights’ worth of gaming time. (Or, for something like NMS, just

Any game that offers an “Im a grown ass adult with two kids and I don’t have 10 hours a day to play games just let me see the cool shit” Mode gets a fat fucking gold star from me.

The ones using coded language like “Soros/globalist” etc., are the real dangerous antisemites and they fill the ranks of today’s Republican party. But here’s the thing though, they are mostly given a pass because on the other hand they voice support for Israel. Very  sinister.

Where are you seeing this?

Thanks to leftist politics, mental illness is somehow both unfairly stigmatized and “no excuse” at the same time.”

Sure, I’m routinely confronted by bumper stickers, billboards, and helpful strangers telling me I’m going to hell; my government puts religious slogans on money and buildings; and politicians who don’t invoke the deity at least once in every major speech are immediately suspect, but let’s not forget that Christians

I don’t know why people are being so weird about all of this. Witcher came out in 2007 and it took them 4 years to figure out how to make Witcher 2, a sequel, but with dramatically different tools and combat systems, and then 4 years to make a wildly celebrated open world game. Then, in the next 6 years, they released

As a fan of Witcher 3 and 2077 (with a laundry list of caveats), I’m mostly happy to hear this news. I want to get back to good ol fashionied Witcher work and see what else the merc life in Night City has to offer. What I don’t want is a company that makes some of my favorite big single-player RPGs turning into just

Without sounding too harsh, I guess it’s nice to see that CPPR probably hasn’t learned any lessons from their past development snafus

They’ll fly off the shelves because they’ll likely be great games with great writing, that may release flawed (like most video games these days) but will receive years of after care. Just like TW1-3 and CP77.

Couple of things, 1: ‘cast’ is past, present and future tense of itself without modification, so “she was cast in this role” or “she will get cast in this role,” no -ed necessary

It’s not disingenuous when confronting the pro-life” logic that a clump of cells/zygotes/embryos/fetuses are actually children and should be treated as an independent human, thus giving them the legal and medical priority of an independent human—which then puts the pregnant person’s life in danger as their own well-be

Irrelevant, an infant isn’t in another person’s body. 

The pro-murder cult is the Republicans, right? I mean, they seem to think everything is solved by shooting people without due process for crimes that wouldn’t warrant the death penalty anyway.

Fetuses aren’t babies, they’re pre-human cells. Yeah, they can become a baby and a person, but I don’t go around calling eggs

Don’t forget these are the same people who get an erection when they think about the death penalty. Pro-murder, ha.

funny how you call pro-choice “pro-murder”, since your side consistently try to kill abortion doctors.

Conservatives are soulless sociopaths and treating them any differently is a mistake. They’ve taken the mask off and its time to believe them.