
Hot take: the Duke Nukem sidescrollers > the Duke Nukem FPS games.

I think this game was an absolute triumph and I haven’t stopped coming back to it as my Single Player game of choice. I’ve had 100% on a couple saves for a while, but it doesn’t seem to be enough for me. I didn’t follow any of the hype, so it just seemed like a really cool Cyberpunk game that ran well on my PC. I

Next we should lament the fact that Night City’s insanely high murder rate and propensity for gunfights with automatic weapons to boil over into main thoroughfares doesn’t produce a realistic response from the people who live there, namely that they would abandon it.

The feature; the ability to middle click on an enemy unit to see detailed stats about it, special abilities, loadout etc.

That was a defamation case.  Nothing was proven in that case. 

For what it’s worth, I remember when Halo 3 came out (with the Theater mode that allows you to rewatch gameplay from a third-party viewpoint) a lot of folks were talking about how it really made it clear how completely menacing the Master Chief must be to the Covenant.

Gameplay preference. I’m not saying for me personally it would make or break a deal of wanting to play a game, but I personally much prefer third person over first. I just have more fun with it and am more comfortable with that viewpoint. I don’t see it out of the realm of possibility of someone wanting, or not

Reminds me how Halo was originally supposed to be an RTS and then a third-person shooter.

Infinite actually makes you feel like you’re as strong Spartans are in the books, even before this mod.


Dude John Stewart as been a Green Lantern since 1971.

I’m just going to assume you don’t know anything about Green Lantern.

Shut up. Lazy ass troll.

yeah can you not when putin’s literally threatening NATO and anyone who even thinks about joining them? Russophobia. Fuck you. 

At this point I think its clear that Cyberpunk is being held to different expectations than any other game, and it’s treated unfairly in some aspects. Of course it’s an RPG good lord. Many other games with far less are called RPG’s or at least Action RPG’s. But there is comments that still talk about it not having

how fucking profoundly racist can you get? she literally adopted a jewish surname to advance her brand and you’re here acting like she’s a victim? Jesus fucking H Christ, just put on your swastika already you fake fuck

“Don’t mess with the powerful...”

I don’t think Whoopi is anti semitic. She was speaking from ignorance. But what you wrote looks like for real antisemitism. So thanks for reminding folks how it’s done?


Thank you for this article and to (almost) all of the commenters for this. It is uplifting for me as a (white) Jew to see that so many in the black community have our back just as many of us have yours as well. Yup, we’ve got our outright racists, our apologists and our softpeddlers (too many, but we know the fight