
Gaming communities will survive - thrive, even - without TikTok. Get a grip.

I would love to be able to play my PS5 sitting in the living room watching TV hanging out like I can with the Switch.

*PC* shooters? GTFOH scrub.

Suck it up, buttercup.

This needs immediate official support and implementation by 343i

Um. YES.

Just gimme an earth where Kyle Rayner is GL and Wally West is The Flash and I’ll be very happy.

Sony purchasing Square Enix is a pairing that makes a heap of sense, I agree.

Bungie successfully negotiated to retain the rights to their self-published IP (i.e. Minotaur, PiD, Marathon and Myth) following their departure from Microsoft. They must have wanted to keep all that old IP for a reason, right? One can dream, anyway. A Marathon remake/re-imagining would slay on PlayStation consoles.

That, plus the Grant Morrison story, it seems. 

EA did what to Jesus now?

OMG Jenna Coleman would’ve made the *best* death!


I hate the fact I am disappointed in her casting. I didn’t think she showed off much in The Good Place that convinces me she will be particularly interesting as Death. Maybe I’m wrong and she’ll be great but it seems like a huge miss to me.

Oh my gosh, you’re so right! I’d totally forgotten the character of Johanna Constantine… I should bump up my re-read of the series in my reading list!

Can’t say I’m not a bit disappointed in the TV show not more faithfully reenacting what was in the comics on the screen (esp. in regards to John Constantine, for whom I’d say being cis-male is quite central to that character) as I love seeing comic book characters being portrayed in live action in the same way as they

I *demand* more Crazy Ex-Girlfriend content on io9! That show was dope AF, even if the last season was a bit whack. 

I, too, loved James Robinson’s The Golden Age

No Kyle Rayner, no interest. #Justice4Kyle

Is being a gaming a snob a bad thing? I wear my snobbery with pride! Having sat in more than a few focus groups, I’d say that if you’re reading (let alone commenting on) Kotaku then you’re probably more snobbish than your average Joe Sixpack type console gamer.