
Rupert Murdoch is Jewish now?

Nice analogy! +1

Um… we didn’t see that happen in South Africa following the end of apartheid though, did we? And many would say such a reaction would’ve been justified in that siutation, too.

Your comment deserves to come out of the greys. 

You should def check out AC: Syndicate and add it to your list, it’s up there with 2 and Brotherhood in terms of superb AC games. IMHO Syndicate’s unique assassinations were the absolute best in the series. 

AC: Syndicate is the pinnacle of post-Ezio classic ‘Screeds, IMHO.

I read that and my immediate reaction was, “Yikes! Way to the throw the PR rep under the bus.” Now that rep has to catch flack at work for just doing their job.


“No future” isn’t some bad, random virtual grafitti - it deliberately references a slogan from the original UK punk rock scene of the late ‘70s. You can even hear the line referenced in God Save The Queen’ by The Sex Pistols.

VG24/7 has been outdoing Kotaku for years now. They’re unfailingly awesome. The best on the net.

Name a Black person who instituted policies as harmful to Jews by intimidation, torture and false imprisonment as Mike Bloomberg did. IE The Central Park 5, Stop and Frisk, etc.

This probably means that she was required to eat...traditional British food and pretend to enjoy it.

Too bad this excellent article won’t be seen by the people who really need to read it…

I’ve can’t tell you how many white people remain in ignorance simply because they are afraid of asking the questions that they want answers to, lest they be deemed a bigot.

Um… the GOP is in power but I don’t see them doing shit? Maybe it’s just that *ghasps* neither party give a flying fuck?

Those of us who do care can only take so much of that before we agree with you that it is hopeless and give up and that sucks for everyone.

Your comment deserves to come out of the greys 100%

Disintegration deserves its own article; that game looks awesome and genuinely seems to be trying something new!

O rly?