
Honestly this just feels like a bunch of agenda pushing. Most people are just upset that you can’t make your own character. Which looking at the type of game it is, is completely understandable. Why not promote more inclusiveness by letting us create and customize our own characters? This sounds like a much better

I liked The Sun ending. V gets to live and fulfill his potential. I thought it was sad that Panam left, but who wants to live in the shitty desert with a bunch of hobos if you can live in a fabulous metropolis like Night City?! I also always liked Judy better than Panam, so the loss there isn’t huge. The hope that the

That is a very reasonable and honest take. Kudos to you.

Actually they go off the station on DS9 all the fucking time. After a few seasons of riding around in slightly bigger shuttle crafts they gave them their own ship to go out and do shit with.   

“What did you expect?” “I don’t know. A happier ending...For everyone involved.” “Here? For folks like us? Wrong people, wrong city.”- Johnny Silverhand

Others lamented the lack of lightsabers”

see, my first complaint was no racial selection. star wars takes place in a space with tons of cool races, heres a human again...In SWG i had a female rhodian commando that i enjoyed playing. even a twilek. its also i notice how i mostly play rpgs these days, so most games i play have selelctable sexes, or

I don’t think more games with only female protagonists is the ideal; I think in a perfect world, every game would give you a choice. But, obviously that isn’t realistically possible all the time. And I’ll be honest too: the female player character does lessen my interest in this title; it’s not a choice, I just have a

No, no, no. It’s not women that’s the issue, it’s the complete and utter lack of an ALIEN protagonist (for this game specifically). This is fucking Star Wars, and I think the last alien protagonist was that Twilek mercenary chick for a PSP game, and I’m pretty sure she counts as the only one, unless we wanna count the

Wow so brave


Guess I was the only person listening when they said you’re not actually playing as the Prince of Persia in this game, but one of the elite warriors sent to rescue him.

It looks like a nice game, and if it’s a good Metroidvania I’d love to play it!

It really does. It’s very narrative-heavy, philosophical, and complex. Obviously there aren’t cutscenes, the story is almost entirely told through terminals accessed in each level. One reason I’ve never been a huge fan of Halo is that it took the weirdness of Marathon and distilled bits and pieces of its aesthetic

Seriously, by the end of the Marathon games in Marathon Infinity, they were asking the player to consider the idea of protagonists in fiction/myth, concepts written about by Joseph Campbell and how and why the same stories kept being told. Now it resurfaces as a corpse scavenging game.

Honestly a Marathon remake would be great. The game is baller but there’s a lot of it that just didn’t age very well. 

Waaaait a minute, they’re rebooting Marathon, probably the third- or fourth-best story in all of video a multiplayer shooter? That feels like when somebody decided Legacy of Kain should be a multiplayer thing and made Nosgoth. On one hand, the design work is amazing. On the other, don’t do this to Marathon,

Yeah it’s dogshit. They could have taken the property and done what ID did with Doom in 2016 but nah fuck it live service PVP baby!

So they took the amazing and insane lore that created the Marathon series and are...turning it into a GAAS PVP milk machine, got it. Welp, what’s the next IP to get ruined by late stage capitalism?