
“No future” isn’t some bad, random virtual grafitti - it deliberately references a slogan from the original UK punk rock scene of the late ‘70s. You can even hear the line referenced in God Save The Queen’ by The Sex Pistols.

BNW isn’t good? Wow. I mean that’s certanly a take!

Hear, hear. This show seems more “inspired by” rather than a fairthful adaptation… which is a pity, really. Would be brill if more people were into BNW, generally speaking.

Not sure I agree that 1984 is more relevant in 2020 than Brave New World… this expresses my thoughts on this perfectly:

Stargirl can get tae fuck, and when it gets there it can fuck off some more.

I for one really enjoyed Thor: Dark World. Def way more entertaining than Iron Man 3 at any rate.

Sorry, still can’t get over how they’ve ignored the wealth of Starman lore and given that name to The Star Spangled Kid/Skyman. Ted Knight, Will Payton, Mikaal Tomas, Jack Knight and Danny Blaine (not to mention Will and Jack’s astounding cast of supporting characters) all deserve better than this. They certainly

There was almost a TV series that ran concurrently with the book but it fell through.

Let’s be real… Jack Knight is way too good for this show. His overarching story deserves its own, seperate treatment.

Casting a Jewish woman as a Neo-Nazis is surely something else.

They didn’t create the character though, did they? Garth Ennis did.

Looks awesome! Way more psyched for this than James Bond. Really hope it has the heart & soul that Captain Marvel lacked!

Stargirl <<<<<<< Starman

+1 hear, hear

<3 I, Tonya. An outstanding movie!

Aside from Harley, none of the main characters look anything like their comic book counterparts. I’m not expecting (or hoping for) comic accurate costumes, but this movie didn’t even try. There’s no way that Cassandra Cain is going to become ninja Batgirl.

Bingo! Came here for this comment, glad to see somebody got there before me.

Shhh… like CPM gives a rats ass about any representation that doesn’t represent him.

Every time I see an article by Rob Bricken on this site, my heart goes all a’flutter.