
I’ve can’t tell you how many white people remain in ignorance simply because they are afraid of asking the questions that they want answers to, lest they be deemed a bigot.

Um… the GOP is in power but I don’t see them doing shit? Maybe it’s just that *ghasps* neither party give a flying fuck?

Those of us who do care can only take so much of that before we agree with you that it is hopeless and give up and that sucks for everyone.

I dunno, it just sorta sprung to mind as I was watching the movie. I think about a lot of things, I suppose. I don’t restrict my thoughts like that. My mind is free!

Barry “Whitebread” Allen may be the single-most boring character in the history of mainstream comics… aside from Hal Jordan, that is.

Interesting! Yes, I fully agree that the intentional fallacy (as a working theory of literary criticism) doesn’t account for sequels… plus, I suppose it makes all fanfiction an Inception-like rabbit hole of interpretation layers ;-)

I stand corrected, I forgot that Batman & Robin predated The Phantom Menace (…which, for some reason, I thought had come out in 1996, not 1999? Weird.) and despite my teenage feelings for Alicia Silverstone, I could very much tell at the time that what I was watching was dreck.

what’s the first time you remember watching a movie and realizing it’s bad while you’re watching it?

pure conjecture and wishful thinking on the part of fans - who, by the way, are owed literally nothing by the storyteller. Not now, not ever.

Are keen to see Ezra Miller reprise the role, though? He demonstrates what I dislike most about adaptations of The Flash, where they take Wally’s background and personality and give him Barry’s name.

I have the reverse take. I remain so unbelievably desperate for any Shadowrun media reaching the mainstream that I actually quite liked Bright and ended up watching it twice! A guilty pleasure and I’m not ashamed about it :-)

Your comment deserves to come out of the greys 100%

^this is the correct take.

OMG I would *love* to see a StarBrand TV series, provided they were true to the original run’s first six issues.

That said, I think the general consensus now, besides the aforementioned extremists, is that The Last Jedi is a good movie. So far, people don’t seem to agree so cohesively on that for The Rise of Skywalker.

Poe always came across as bi or pan to me… but tbh that’s probs more Oscar Isaac’s raw sex appeal and my head canon than anything in the acrual movies.

Ready Player One was a pretty bad movie…
TRoS is… specifically insulting fan’s intelligence.


I took it to be a unique power related to Kylp and Rey being a dyad in the Force, an ability that only they shared together.