
OMG yes, and somany have the gall to talk about gatekeeping! The current commentary is practially dogmatic - either align with the groupthink or be reviled as a troll of ill intent.

That being said, holy fucking crap, give it a rest, io9. I thought 50 articles talking about how perfect and amazing TLJ was was annoying, but this is just as bad. You’re not even saying anything substantial anymore.

OMG your comment SO deserves to come out of the greys.

I share your sentiments 100%. IMHO all the issues this movie had could be fixed with a director’s cut.

Do you know what annoys me most about Star Wars fandom? People who insist on what Star Wars has to be. People who get their nose real out of joint over who Rey is. Or when they didn’t see a character they wanted to see. Or not getting a complete explanation of how a powerful evil space wizard brought himself back

I feel you 100%. Its not just that the writers and commenters at this site prefer one movie over another (which is perfectly fine!), it’s that many make out that by disliking TLJ and liking TRoS it somehow speaks negatively about you as a person, that this preference somehow reveals your socio-political affiliations…

I TOTALLY agree with you! I noticed this trend in the run up to Ready Player One, which for all its baggage was neither a completely terrible or dreadfully problematic movie, and yet it felt like the writers on this site went out of their to discourage people from seeing that movie… although not to the extent of TRoS

I really want to read Rob Bricken’s take on TRoS, as he felt similarly to how I did about TLJ.

Is that really JJ’s fault, though? he only had so much time to bring the saga to a resolution and there was a lot of ground to cover. Also, is the identity of the Knights of Ren really something that’s best expored in the last film of a 9-partt saga? IMHO the time & place for that was in TLJ, but Rian Johnson obvs

I cam here for this comment and totally agree with you, you practically lifted the words from the tips of my fingers! Really hope your comment comes out of the greys.

Got my fingers crossed for Baldur the Brave.

“Too bad she won’t live! But then again, who does?”

Looks like Marvel’s repackaged the movie so it can now serve as their first foray into Elseworlds/Joker-type fare.

iO9 is never brighter than when Bricken has graced us with his presence. 

I dunno. Do we need another CW show cut from the exact same cloth as the rest pof the Arrowverse? Wouldn’t a more nuanced, intelligent and thematically complex show based on James Robinson’s Starman run feel like a breath of fresh air?

Agreed. Such a pity that this series won’t allow us to see a charming monochrome afterlife with David Knight, or present a morally complex mid-20th century period with Ted Knight. Y’know, let alone impossibly cool dialogue over coffee with Jack and The Shade.

+1 hear, hear. Starman is an essential part of the comic book library irrespective of - or despite, I should say - being in the tights & fights genre. It remains one of the boldest experiments ever to occur within mainstream superhero continuity, up there with Swamp Thing and Hellblazer. It absolutely deserves greater

Is that Lenny ruddy Henry in Doctor flippin’ Who? Well then, bloody well count me the fuck in!

Does this mean we can get a joyous, uplifting and inspiring Superman movie now? Please??

IMHO it’s worth sticking with, but you’re not wrong. The comic is essentially a vehicle to satirise superheroes as a genre and as an industry, so the big laughs only land if you’re quite familiar with about 30 - 40 years worth of comic book history and trivia. It’s one big in-joke, like the whole thing is an MCU