Sh0w pending

Maybe if someone could get him to read Rich Juzwiak’s weighty (girthy?) reportage of gay sex parties in New York he would simply drop dead due to complications from conniption fits. Problem solved.

Aaron Hernandez was fucked up long before he got to New England. From his time in Florida:

Not anymore!

This blog post is coming from someone that probably has never in their life written an actual algorithm, let alone one that takes big data on various different cultures and lifestyles and uses that to advertiser it’s other platform.

Stupid Facebook. They obviously don’t know the proper method to deal with those images.

I hope Gwen and Blake get married cause I want to witness the epic freakout on Jezebel when that happens.

“I don’t want anyone [except me] to use our tools to undermine democracy.”

Fourth wave feminism sure is steeped in identity politics.

Lol, I got into all the colleges I wanted. Getting into college is easy. I just find it hilarious that 3rd wave feminism has reverted back to needing men to solve their problems. There are many many rich and talented Hollywood women who could pool resources and make expensive empowering women centric movies. Their

“The median wealth of a Black family was found to be only $1,700. In 1987, that number was $6,800—four times higher than it is now.”

and boycott films that score poorly.

What does Ja have to say in a time like this?

I do enjoy that their plan to decrease sexism is to codify sexism into the law (via tax incentives for women to make movies). Ironically, this idea is embarrassingly patriarchial.

for instance, First They Killed My Father, which has a female director, two female screenwriters (one of whom is a person of color) and an almost entirely POC cast, gets a C on gender and a D on race

Has the stunning hypocrisy of Nicole Kidman condemning domestic violence at the Emmy’s and thanking Wendi Murdoch in her speech been pointed out yet? If you recall, Wendi shoved her elderly husband into a grand piano and regularly abused her household staff. So, Nicole, when you are speaking about ending domestic

Durant heard that Jackson was winning the argument so he’s on his side now.

I bet he really likes the name Grand Master B.

It’s Jezebel. Come for the snark, stay for the reflexive moral outrage over all the things.

Are we really going to pounce on MJH for expressing disappointment over a missed vacation? We know Dominica will be/is devastated by Maria but she’s allowed to have that reaction. Jesus, people are so fucking quick to jump down someone’s throat when they don’t immediately express sympathy/sorrow/pledges to help. She

This is the same kind of fence they use to separate smokers and non-smokers at concerts.