I can support gun control while realizing banning them isn’t realistic. Why is it the nuclear option seems to be the only drum people keep beating?
I can support gun control while realizing banning them isn’t realistic. Why is it the nuclear option seems to be the only drum people keep beating?
Good for them. It’s a different country with different mindsets and opinions concerning firearms. I don’t see such a thing having enough support here from the citizens and the legislators. I’m not foolish enough to believe it’ll ever happen here. Not in my lifetime. Fight for further gun control if that’s what you…
One victim was reportedly bruised up from the pistol whipping but no word yet on whether or not they have welts on their neck from the necklace stripping.
Thoughts and prayers and banning things are equally useless concepts.
It’s a meme.
Now I know people are off their gourd. It’s the encyclopedia Britannica website. Not NorthKoreapaysmybills.com
Oh that’s right, the japanese left after they surrendered to the US . Then Kim Il Sung decided he wanted to send some troops to visit Seoul. You can blame him for starting the fucking Korean War.
Do you mean Japan? Because it would have been unified had Japan never invaded.
Yup, happened to me on both Gawker and Jezebel- I lasted several months on Gawker- two days on Jezebel.
Do we really have a North Korean sympathizer on our hands?
Huh, that’s wierd because I remember best Korea invading the south Korea first resulting in the United States becoming involved.
Is this what passes as a good comment on Deadspin these days?
I’m going to go on record as saying, I think you’re a root writer trying to make this comment section pop by posting clueless white boy comments for others to mock. Because the comment section here is so dead and dim witted compared to the old days at Gawker. Don’t no one say shit here of note
RIP Academia
What’s the problem. other than you inability to support an argument?
She’s a liar let’s be real.
Her husband had the look of someone who had seen that movie before
Except the guy with the service dog was never his fault to begin with. He at least attempted to defuse the argument. The lady was just ignorant of ADA laws and allowed her personal opinion to taint her version of what was right/wrong and how the restaurant should have acted. The restaurant staff could have been so…
Im not calling this woman a liar but I have questions. I know when I saw the video a few days ago there was a lot of nasty comments towards her, which is what is making me question the use of racial slurs. Why did she not mention the racial slurs then and just the dog? Of course whomever put out the video could have…
Maybe if someone could get him to read Rich Juzwiak’s weighty (girthy?) reportage of gay sex parties in New York he would simply drop dead due to complications from conniption fits. Problem solved.