Sh0w pending

Exactly, the people who signal their virtue by calling for a ban on all guns do not understand what it would take to repeal an amendment.

Bill Nye is so hot rn!

Being permanently un-grayed comes with some hefty responsibilities, do you have what it takes to parrot the talking points that the bloggers make and never stray, only time will tell..

(Googles Keith Tharp)

That is probably because the vast majority of people you know are white..

Yeah, thank god for Kim Jong Un and the “greatest” clapback of all time.

Lol, not sure if serious..

2 sides to every story?

Found the Russian bot..


Aaaand now the SPLC will declare that D&D board games are a form of hate speech..

Twitter snark becoming mainstream talking points makes me FEEL like we are already living in idiocracy.

They should have to register as sex offenders, can someone start a petition already

These comments are cracking me up, ironically..

Anyone who wants to undue Google’s monopoly has my vote.

Puerto Ricans overwhelmingly do not want to become a state, they have voted on this before.

I’m right there with you, would love to see comprehensive campaign finance reform become a thing too..

I’d be curious to see if they treat AJ any different than RT.


“Hey you look like a person we are looking for.”