Sh0w pending

“And Thiel does have strong feelings about personal privacy—mostly his own.”

Guys, I can’t help it. I think it’s delicious. And I usually don’t eat much fast food. But with two - soon to be three- kids under 5, who actually eat their nuggets o’ meat, I frequent their never-open-on-Sundays premises often.

What percentage of asset management firms are minority owned? That is fairly important in determining whether or not the distribution is unfair. Additionally, what percent are registered as potential contractors? Finally, what percent are non-public (i.e. Privately owned)?

Meddling with other countries’ elections is a lot less fun when we’re on the receiving end amirite?

I wonder if that would restrict things like AJ+ because it is Qatari funded state media?

Smart move. When Russians can be successful for $100K and the Democrats spent a $1 million on the same thing, it is troubling. Is it commentary on the American work ethic? Or a metaphor for outsourcing in general?

How else do you get your woke virtue signaling in?

Why are you saying “Latinx” when it’s one person, and it’s a dude?

Everything about this “story” from Damore to this coverage to me clicking and reading it are so fucking stupid that I’m tempted to start drinking.

The real questions is why Callahan would report on something sourced from a deleted tweet. LMFAO.

prob for legal reasons

They have a point though.

Cripes, when your sex doll is cucking you, you have a serious problem!

Typical Union thugs. Best get the Pinkerton boys on the case.

Children understand? You mean children are easily brainwashed.

I would appreciate a real-time oppression chart, cuz this shit is confusing.

I mean, he’s making fun of someone who died at the hands of the police. It comes off as pretty cold already, and when you add in the fact that he couldn’t bother to do the basic amount of work necessary to find out what their gender was, that’s what puts it over the top for me. And, not to put too fine a point on it,

I mean, I’m kinda sad bc going to the toy store was like winning the lotto level of excitement for kids, even if you left disappointed every time bc pops would not shell out half his paycheck for a Barbie jeep. There was a nerdy kids toy store called Imaginarium that used to have a tiny kid sized door for you to walk