Sh0w pending

“Toys R Us, for all its nostalgic glitter, has been a horrific bombardment of white supremacy”

These are screenshots from this very post.

These are just really common pop culture phrases. It would be like saying you own the phrase “one can dream” because you wrote it. Man everyone has used that phrase, no one can own it.

This is a bad take.

“We were bunched up with different refugees, but we came from the Congolese War,” wāni says. “We were in dorms, Rwandans and Congolese … we ended up in crazy fights.”

Maybe minors. JFK Jr. Famously declined SS after law school. It was a drag for him. I personally wonder if he would have died had he kept it. SS may have warned him about flying with a freakin’ cast on his foot. But I digress, sadly....

If you had been a Jew in Germany in the ‘30s, you could claim to be an expert on the Wisdom of the Crowd. In real life. With authority. Cool.

This remake of Dangerous Minds looks terrible.

Seriously, those protesters demanded she protect Dreamers and simultaneously demanded she not even speak to Trump. How exactly would they like her to go about getting everything they want done while also not negotiating with the people who control every branch of government?

So... what is she supposed to do? She and Schumer went in and tried to get 45 to agree to passing DACA into law. What else is she supposed to be doing right now?

I’m starting to think they really do think magic is involved at this rate... you’re right spelling Candice as “Candace” is a HUGE deal.

You guys, we are so fucked in 2018 and 2020.

So....a minor spelling issue?

Alright, I’m all for keeping pressure up. That said...

Yeah, seriously. I think there are way too many Democrats who are getting wrapped up in the whole “we must take extreme measures to get our agenda passed” idea that is currently going around, but forget that they lost the election.

I know. It might sound fun and exciting to be a party of sheer obstruction but meanwhile we have lives hanging in the balance.

And how exactly should the minority party go about doing this?

Keep up the in-fighting and annoying “protesting” by blocking streets guys! Almost guaranteed Trump will win another 4 years.