Sh0w pending

People think “what about” is some horrible equivalencies, when realistically it is just an exercise in determining the actual rational outcome of the argument they put forth. It works well because it causes the arguer to think about their position and the potential results .

The person’s argument is that if the subject of the statue can’t pass modern scrutiny, it should be taken down. I provided context around some of the more memorialized people in US history. None of them would pass modern scrutiny. I am explaining that such a stance would cause statues to cease to exist as humans

There is a narrative here and it must be adhered to.

That’s a bad metric unless you are anti-statue in general. MLK was a misogynist who cheated on his wife. Same with JFK. FDR was a bigot by modern day terms. Same with Teddy Roosevelt. Lincoln was a white supremacist. The founding Fathers were slave owners. We got to the moon first on the back of Nazis. Most people of

Swear to God, Isha’s a Gawker algorithm given sentience.

Isha Aran you write the same article over and over again.

Me and my gut have zero self importance. Im just an average nyc person letting you know you’re account of this event sounds suss. But far be it for me to call a total stranger on the internet a liar. Look I’ve been riding the nyc trains for some time and as someone that’s heard a gunshot up close in an open space I

Stop. The alternatives are all VERY BAD and if you want them, you are shortsighted — probably very young — or at least in for some unpleasant surprises

I’m certainly confused. Non-whites can’t be racist. It is impossible because power+prejudice. Either that is the definition or it isn’t. You can’t go back and use the old definition when convenient.

Because we keep clicking on it. ::shrug::

Nope, sure shouldn’t. But, hey, upshot is that it’s a black tie circle-jerk that has very little (if any) functional significance to the lives of people who aren’t glorified online cyphers, so there’s that.

Annnnnnnnnd the “never satisfied” trend continues.

Speaking of patting yourself on the back...

How is Isha getting paid for this verbal diarrhea?

I don’t recommend advocating opening fire on a crowded subway, which I’m sure wasn’t what you meant?

Sure, but don’t you think “it’ll be even more amazing if we survive” over does it? This is nothing like the cold war. We’re a far stretch from a direct conflict with another global power.

The streets belong to the protesters. The streets belong to the police. The streets do not belong to those destroying property. All things considered the protesters and the police have done a great job.

And it’ll be even more amazing if we survive the current missile crisis that’s heating up on the Korean peninsula.

Kinda seems like that should’ve been in the article...

“And it’ll be even more amazing if we survive the current missile crisis that’s heating up on the Korean peninsula.”